[net.abortion] Stupidity Inferred

mn@dscvax2.UUCP (Matt Noah) (04/03/85)

>Matt, Matt, Matt.  Don;t you understand you won't change my opinion?  But
>since you brought up a few points directed to me in particular, I will
>address them:
>2.  Yes, there are times when it would be best FOR THE FETUS to be aborted.
>    Try severe birth defects for one.

I think you would have to ask people who were born with severe birth defects
to find out if they would rather be dead.  It would prove an interesting
survey for me.  Also, is this the only instance of abortion that you can 
think of where the fetus would be best served by being killed?  Do you propose
to use this example to argue that abortions should remain legal?

>3.  How many clinics would you like me to name for you before you admit that
>    not all clinics that do abortions make all their money from them?

Three.  And since you offered, why not post substantiable evidence to the net.

>4.  You attitude that a pregnant woman is stupid upsets me.  It may come
>    as a severe shock to you, but a pregnant woman is perfectly capable of
>    making rational decisions.  Go ask a few to figure out math problems
>    if you don't believe me.  Women have brains with which to make decisions
>    concerning pregnancy.  Who are you to say they do not?

I can't respond to your derogatory inferences of my attitude except to say
that you are incorrect.  Math problems ... now that is a severe shock to my

>We could go on forever, arguing back and forth and not changing a damn
>thing.  If you don't like abortion, that's of course your right.  Send
>in your money to pro-life groups, picket clinics, call your congresspeople.
>It won't change anything.  Abortions will happen anyway as they have for
>thousands of years.  I am simply advocating stopping the problem of unwanted
>pregnancies before abortion is even thought about.  If you disagree, and
>believe unwanted pregnancies should not be stopped, that's a different
>Mikki Barry

My aim is to change something and I believe I - and others - will help to
change the law and people.  Yes, abortions will continue but on a much
smaller scale.  No, you are not simply advocating stopping unwanted
pregnancies.  You are advocating abortion as a means to end a life and an
unwanted pregnancy.  You have taken a stand that a woman has the dominion
over life in her womb; not responsible for protection of that life until
after birth.  You and I both agree that unwanted pregnancies are a problem
that is unsolved but not unsolvable.
