[net.abortion] "Get yer dead babies here! Only 3 for a buck! Real cheap!"

hua@cmu-cs-edu1.ARPA (Ernest Hua) (05/31/85)


In response to Gary Samuelson's latest, I would like to present the argument
from a different perspective using the same "facts" (assuming that he is not
just whistlin' dixie ... I'm gonna hafta stop usin' that phrase before people
get tired of it).

"We now have a good reason for abortions.  (Pro-abortion, as opposed to pro-
choice.)  Gary Samuelson has just provided us with ample figures to show us
that abortions aren't wasted away.  Ain't that nice?  Let's say we have 1.5
million abortions.  Not only is that 1.5 million less mouths to feed, bods
to cloth, education to provide, etc. ... that's 1.5 million abortions free
to used in some practical manner.  So what do you say, Gar?  How about some
PROABORTION posters so we can get this economic potential rollin', huh?"

I am not trying to mock you, Gary.  It is just that you present facts that
are meaningless except when someone with a particular viewpoint applies
their own slant to the facts.  You can say "we STILL have X millions out
of work" or you can say "we now created Y millions of jobs", both using
the same statistics.  It's just dependent upon your viewpoint and your

This is why I would side with the pro-choice people.  It makes a lot more
sense to allow someone to apply her own judgements to her own body.  If
you want to speak about abortion from some moral absolutes, you had better
define it and allow everyone to agree to it first, because it would be the
moral yardstick that determines your decision.  Moral yardsticks are highly
subjective, so you will have much difficulty in doing this if, in fact, you
are working from this perspective.

Anyway, rather than posting things that will potentially infuriate and
excite people's emotions, how about a little more rational arguments.  I
have seen a lot of chants of "pro-dead-babies, pro-death, pro-abortion,
pro-communist, pro-child-molesting, etc..." applied to pro-choice people.
Yes, no one will stop you from speaking such slanderous falsehoods, as
you have the right to say it.  However, I and many others will continue
to point out the fallacies of these purely emotional statements.

Live long and sell dead babies ... :-)
Keebler { hua@cmu-cs-gandalf.arpa }