[net.abortion] "People" Magazine Article

matt@brl-tgr.ARPA (Matthew Rosenblatt ) (08/06/85)

>		 This week's People article, with the interviews of
> women who have had abortions, makes it somewhat apparent that
> young teens in particular were (are) not getting the information
> they need.

Whatever the merits of this week's People article, People's choice of
women seemed unrepresentative to me.  The only one of the nine who
came out for a ban on abortion did so on Christian religious grounds.
The subscribers to net.abortion, to go by Steve Tynor's recent poll,
are more representative:  3 agnostic/atheists and 2 "others" among
those saying "abortion is ok sometimes (ie, when the mother's health
is threatened) but not in general."
					-- Matt Rosenblatt