[net.micro.hp] Hewlett Packard Integral PC compiler

dennis@hp-pcd.UUCP (dennis) (12/12/85)

Here is a summary of languages available for HP's Integral PC (IPC) as of
December 1st, 1895:

HP developed and supported Software:

HP-UX 'C' Compiler              82857J          $295.00
HP-UX Fortran 77 Compiler       82858J          $395.00
HP-UX Pascal Compiler           83859J          $395.00
HP-UX Technical BASIC           part no. and price vary with ROM or soft version

Third Party languages:

Lattice 'C' - $250 (special until 4/30/86) write to:
        IPC (HP-01); Lattice, Inc.;P.O. Box 3072;Glen Ellyn, IL. 60138
Absoft Fortran 77 with Debugger - (has received very favorable comments from
        users) - $247.50 (special until 4/30/86) write to:
        Absoft;4268 N. Woodward;Royal Oak, MI 48072;(313) 549-7111
Absoft 68000/68020 Macro Assembler - same information as Absoft F77
Relay-Version: version B 2.10.3 4.3bsd-beta 6/6/85; site sdcrdcf.UUCP
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Path: sdcrdcf!hplabs!hp-pcd!dennis
From: dennis@hp-pcd.UUCP (dennis)
Newsgroups: net.micro.hp
Subject: Re: Hewlett Packard Integral PC compiler
Message-ID: <23300003@hpcvma.UUCP>
Date: 12 Dec 85 18:28:00 GMT
Date-Received: 19 Dec 85 10:51:43 GMT
References: <34391@lanl.UUCP>
Organization: Hewlett-Packard - Corvallis, OR
Lines: 18
Nf-ID: #R:lanl:-3439100:hpcvma:23300003:000:731
Nf-From: hpcvma!dennis    Dec 12 10:28:00 1985

Here is a summary of languages available for HP's Integral PC (IPC) as of
December 1st, 1895:

HP developed and supported Software:

HP-UX 'C' Compiler              82857J          $295.00
HP-UX Fortran 77 Compiler       82858J          $395.00
HP-UX Pascal Compiler           83859J          $395.00
HP-UX Technical BASIC           part no. and price vary with ROM or soft version

Third Party languages:

Lattice 'C' - $250 (special until 4/30/86) write to:
        IPC (HP-01); Lattice, Inc.;P.O. Box 3072;Glen Ellyn, IL. 60138
Absoft Fortran 77 with Debugger - (has received very favorable comments from
        users) - $247.50 (special until 4/30/86) write to:
        Absoft;4268 N. Woodward;Royal Oak, MI 48072;(313) 549-7111
Absoft 68000/68020 Macro Assembler - same information as Absoft F77

dhk@hp-pcd.UUCP (dhk) (12/20/85)

Philon, Incorporated has a compiler for the Integral that is an MBASIC clone.
It is called Philon FAST/BASIC-M and their address is:
	641 Avenue of the Americas
	New York, New York  10011

I have played with it a little and it does a decent job.  It allows you to 
call C subroutines from BASIC which is nice.  Contact them for price and

Dustin Kassman
Portable Computer Division

MBASIC is a trademark of MicroSoft 
FAST/BASIC-M is a trademark of Philon, Inc.