[net.micro.hp] ROM'd "Brick" for the Integral PC

jason@hp-pcd.UUCP (jason) (10/18/86)

Announcing a new Integral Personal Computer product:

Product: HP 82987A Software Engineering ROM Module
Retail Cost: $1195
Price List: November 1
Formal Introduction: Oct 20 @ Unix Expo, New York

The HP 82987A Software Engineering ROM Module consists of "approximately 160 of
the most useful and frequently used HP-UX commands" (list to follow), six 3.5"
inch microflexible discs containing the remaining HP-UX commands and on-line
documentation, and a "Getting Started" guide.

The ROM module installs into one of the I/O ports and uses half a slot.  After
installation, the following commands are available:

adjust	    csplit	fold	    lsx		red	    tee
admin	    ctags	format_disc make	rev	    time
ar	    cut		get	    mkdev	rm	    time_of_day
ar.ranlib   date	getopt	    mkdir	rmdir	    touch
as	    delta	grep	    mknod	rmnl	    tr
awk	    deroff	head	    mm		rpn	    true
basename    df		hostname    more	rsh	    tsort
bdiff	    diff	hp	    mount_disc	sdiff	    ul
bfs	    diffh	hyphen	    mv		sed	    uname
c2	    diffmk     *include	    mvdir	set_win	    uncompress
cat	    dircmp	inv	    neqn	sh	    unexpand
cb	    dirname	ipcrm	    newform	size	    uniq
cc	    du		ipcs	    nice	sleep	    unmount_disc
ccom	    e		join	    nl		sort	    unpack
cdb	    echo	kermit	    nm		spell	    val
chgrp	    ed		kill	    nohup	spellprog   vedit
chmod	    edit	l	    nroff	split	    vi
chown	    egrep	ld	    od		ssp	    view
chroot	    env		lex	    pack	status	    vis
cmp	    ex		lifcp	    page	strings	    wc
col	    expand	line	    paste	strip	    whereis
comm	    expr	ll	    pcat	stty	    which
compress    false	ln	    pdb		su	    whoami
copy_disc   fcc		lorder	    pr		sum	    xargs
cp	    fdb		ls	    prof	tail	    xd
cpio	    fgrep	lsf	    ps		tar	    yacc
cpp	    file	lsr	    pwd		tbl	    zcat
csh	    find

* The program 'include' extracts header files from a rom-resident file.

Using a custom rom-resident shared library and various data compression 
techniques, almost 5 Megabytes of code and data have been squeezed into 
2 Megabytes of ROM.  These ROM executable commands have decreased
memory requirements, decreased load time, and eliminated or freed Megabytes 
of hard disc space ($$$).  As a contributing development engineer, it 
is not uncommon for me to be compiling, editing two files, perusing 
a header file with more, and running kermit ALL in seperate windows.  My 
major complaint now is running out of 'horses'.  Now, if I can only convince my
boss my 20% increase in productivity should be matched with with a comparable

By installing the Software Engineering Module into the Integral PC one truly
has a transportable Software Engineering workstation.  

Optimum hardware configuration:
	Integral PC w/ 5.0 OS ROM
	HP 82987A Software Engineering ROM Module
  	HP 82919A opt 001 piggy back serial card 
	HP 82916A 1Mb Memory Module

Companion products:
  HP 82919A opt 001 - piggy back serial card requiring half a slot

  For custom software applications:
  HP 82968A EPROM/ROM Board - 256K bytes (512K bit EPROM)
  HP 82971A EPROM/ROM Module - 1Mbyte (512K bit EPROM)
			       2Mbytes (1Mbit Masked ROM)
  HP 82970A EPROM/ROM Software Development Tools - Utilities and tutorial
    providing the capability to place custom software in read only memory (ROM)

			-Jason Su
			Hewlett Packard
			Corvallis Workstation Operation