[net.mail.msggroup] CBMS 84

Hsmith@ucl-cs.arpa (03/05/84)

			 International Federation
			for Information Processing
				 IFIP WG 6.5

		    International Working Conference on


				Nottingham, UK
			        1-4th May 1984

			    Final Announcement

     Conference Sessions include:

	  Message Architecture & Multimedia Systems
	  Naming/Addressing and Directory Services
	  User Interface Architecture
	  Services and Cost/Benefit Issues
	  Regulatory and Security Considerations
	  Conference and Message System Interconnection
	  Message Server Implementations
	  Teletex Systems

	  Panel I   - International CBMS Standards Activities:Overview
	  Panel II  - International CBMS Standards Activities:
		      The Commercial View
	  Panel III - Intermediate Term Interconnection Strategies
	  Working Group Sessions

     The objective of this conference is to promote the interchange of
     information  and  discussion  about  national  and  international
     computer-based message services.  Because many service and inter-
     connection requirements remain to be established for these emerg-
     ing systems, the conference includes a  number  of  working  ses-
     sions.   Issues  to  be discussed in the working sessions include
     both technical and economic/political  aspects  of  message  ser-

     The conference brings together 27 speakers from  eight  countries
     to  present  papers  on computer-based messaging systems and ser-
     vices.  There are no parallel paper sessions in  order  to  allow
     delegates  to  attend  all  presentations.   In  addition  to the
     papers, three panels serve to  review  progress  and  issues  in;
     standards  activity,  commercial  developments,  and intermediate
     term interconnection requirements.  The final day and a  half  is
     devoted  to working sessions which will develop the issues raised
     by the panels and address a number of  application  topics.   The
     application  topics  will  include  multimedia systems, directory
     service  standards,  conferencing   system   requirements,   user
     environment services, and facilities for impaired communities.


     The conference will be held in the Albany Hotel situated  in  the
     centre of  Nottingham, UK. The City is approximately two hours by
     train from London. Air Travellers arriving at Heathrow or Gatwick
     may  also  reach  the  city via a shuttle flight to East Midlands
     Airport. The City is some  twenty  minutes  taxi  ride  from  the
     airport.  Further  information  will  be  sent  with registration


     The Conference registration fee is #90 (90 pounds UK sterling).
     This includes a  copy  of the proceedings, a conference dinner
     on May 2nd, and refreshments during the sessions.

     Address for Further Details:

	     CBMS '84
	     Human Computer Interaction Group
	     Nottingham University
	     Nottingham NG7 2RD

	     Arpa: hsmith@ucl-cs.isid
	     Telephone: (+44) 602 506101 Ext: 3587
	     Telex:  37346 UNINOT G

     Programme Committee

     G. Antoni, Italy             J. Palme, Sweden
     A. Danthine, Belgium         S. Ramani, India
     P. Kirstein, UK              P. Schicker, Switzerland
     J. Garcia-Luna, USA          K. Smaaland, Norway
     R. Miller, USA               L. Tarouco, Brazil
     N. Naffah, France            J. White, USA
     G. Neufeld, Canada           K. Wimmer, German Federal Republic

     Organising Committee

	     H.T. Smith, Nottingham University, UK
	     W. Dzida, GMD Bonn, German Federal Republic
	     R. Uhlig, Bell Northern Research, Canada