[net.mail.msggroup] electronic mail "telephone directory"

speck@cit-vax.ARPA (Don Speck) (03/02/84)

    The response to my query has been astounding (at least to me).
If people are interested, I can try to summarize for the list when
I get some time, maybe next week (although final exams are near).

speck@Cit-Vax.ARPA (Don Speck) (03/29/84)

    Here is the summary of responses on electronic-mail "white-pages"
directories that I promised.  I've tried the CSNET and ARPAnet stuff,
and they seemed to work OK for me.

CSNET:			info courtesy milazzo@cmu-cs-g
    Telnet to CSNET-SH and login as "ns" (no password) to run the CSNET
    Name Server.  Contact CIC@CSNET-CIC for details.
	    "help" will list interesting commands.
	    "whois user" will display NameServer entry of "user".
	    "site list" will list all of the CSNet member sites.
	    "quit" will get you out of ns.

ARPAnet, MILnet, DDN:	info courtesy zellich@office-3,roode@sri-nic,
    Read the ARPAnet Directory, ARPAnet Resource Handbook publications

    Telnet to SRI-NIC and type NIC; this runs NIC-Query, an interactive
    program to search the NIC database.  [Reminiscent of ITS info].

    Telnet to SRI-NIC and type WHOIS, which looks up people in the NIC
    database.  [A lot like finger].  WHOIS can also be run on your own
    machine; versions for Tenex, TOPS-20, and Unix are available from
    NIC@SRI-NIC.  The "nicname" program works similarly, and is also
    available from NIC@SRI-NIC.  See RFC812, which you get by FTP'ing
    <RFC>RFC812.TXT from SRI-NIC with ANONYMOUS login.

Usenet: 		info courtesy sun!idi!kiessig@Berkeley
    Rick Kiessig is publishing a directory, due in May.  If you send him
    your U.S. mail address, he'll send you information when it's ready.

MAILNET:		info courtesy Willut%educom.mailnet@mit-multics
    Send mail to POSTMASTER%site.MAILNET@MIT-MULTICS for the site of
    interest.  Mailnet sites include:
	Carnegie-Mellon University		    CARNEGIE.MAILNET
	University of Chicago			    UCHICAGO.MAILNET
	Dickinson College			    DICKINSON.MAILNET
	University of Durham (U.K.)		    DURHAM.MAILNET
	Grinnell College			    GRINNELL.MAILNET
	Iowa State University			    IOWA-STATE.MAILNET
	Massachusetts Institute of Technology	    MIT-MULTICS.ARPA
	University of Michigan			    UMICH-MTS.MAILNET
	New Jersey Institute of of Technology	    NJIT-EIES.MAILNET
	University of Newcastle-upon-Tyne (U.K.)    NEWCASTLE.MAILNET
	Northwestern University 		    NORTHWESTERN.MAILNET
	Stanford University			    STANFORD.MAILNET
	Stockholm University QZ Computing Center    QZCOM.MAILNET
	Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute	    RPI-MTS.MAILNET