[net.mail.msggroup] summary of user interfaces


Sorry, a misunderstanding: COM uses "message-id" och "in-reply-to"
fields to keep the relationships between messages going, just
like most other systems.

To a local user of COM, the word "in-reply-to" is presented
using the word "comment on", but this is only a matter of
wording, the concept is the same and in network mail the word
"in-reply-to" is of course used.

Any message can be a comment on any number of other messages,
and can have any number of comments on it. There is not even
in COM any requirement that the graph is directed, circularities
like "A in-reply-to B", "B in-reply-to C", "C in-reply-to A"
can be created.

PortaCOM however is a little more restricted, every message can
only be a comment on one previous message (but can have several
coments on it) and circularities are not permitted.

This makes it possible in PortaCOM to have user commands for
traversing the graph, which in PortaCOM is always a tree, in
various directions.

Since COM allows any number of relations in any order, commands
for traversing the graph are not so easy to implement. Thus,
instead, COM keeps a linear sequential list of all text items
belonging to a certain "set-of-related-messages", and uses this
list when someone wants to traverse or search on the set of
related messages. Commands to follow the "in-reply-to" relations
back and forward in COM are thus not automatically recursive,
so as to avoid loops.


The structure you describe sounds very similar to the way a
computer conferencing system works, where your set of related
messages correspond to a conference in a conference system.
The advantage with this, as you point out, is that a reader of
messages can read messages one conference (or topic or
message-set or whatever you prefer to call it) a time,
and can decide himself in which order to read the conferences,
e.g. read the important conferences immediately, save the less
important for another time, or even skip entirely part of a less
important conference and still stay as a member of that conference.

This gives the reader of messages more control of the communication


In COM/PortaCOM we have chosen not to link the concept of
"messages related by in-reply-to references" to the concept
of "conferences". Any message can belong to any number of
"conferences" in COM and PortaCOM, but only to one set of
"reply-related-messages". These concepts are completely independent,
a reply can continue a discussion in another conference. Example:
One message in "experience with XYZ-ware" proposes a change
in XYZ-ware". A set of messages discussing how to implement
this change are written in "implementation of XYZ-ware" but
can still have an "in-reply-to" relation to the original

Another difference, as it works in COM/PortaCOM, is that
a conference requires an explicit command by someone to start
a conference, and explicit commands to add members to the
conference, either by the new member himself (for open conferences)
or by the organizer of the conference (for closed conferences).

A reply-set is created automatically every time someone writes
a message which is a reply to a previous message. Thus, new
reply-sets are created hundreds of times each day by our users,
new conference only perhaps one or two a day.

A conference, but not a reply-set, can also serve as a network
distribution list, that is, send messages in the conference to
members of the conference at remote sites.

Parallel conferences can also be created between COM or other
conference system on several sites, with all messages copied
by network mail between the parallel conferences.


The basic structure of COM is a data base with the
main elements in the data base being "texts", "mailboxes",
"conferences" and "links". A link can be created at any time,
and can link a text message to another text message (IN-REPLY-TO
link) or a text message to a conference or mailbox (TO or CC

Links can also be removed or changed, e.g. moving an entry to
another conferences or linking it to one more conference,
at any time, subject to some restrictions to stop misuse of
this feature.


A user of COM normally reads one conference at a time, and
within a conference, one reply-set at a time. A message is only
shown once to a user, even if both the message and the user
belongs to more than one conference. There are commands for
skipping all or part of the messages in one conference,
or in one reply-set, without reading it.

Our experience is that it is very useful to have conferences
and reply-sets as independent concepts, even though they
serve partly the same purpose of structuring the message
data base. Conferences are a more stable thing with a longer
life time, reply-sets come and go every day and are created
automatically, not requiring any human intervention. This
is important because humans are lazy, and would not create
all this structure if they had to use explicit commands to
create them every time this is needed.