[net.misc] THE WOMBAT

bts@unc.UUCP (Bruce Smith) (01/13/84)

From Ogden Nash: (without permission)

     The wombat lives across the seas,
     Among the far Antipodes.
     He may exist on nuts and berries,
     Or then again, on missionaries;
     His distant habitat precludes
     Conclusive knowledge of his moods.
     But I would not engage the wombat
     In any form of mortal combat.

Be warned, unc!tim.
Bruce T. Smith, UNC-Chapel Hill
decvax!duke!unc!bts     (USENET)
bts.unc@CSnet-Relay (lesser NETworks)

bch@unc.UUCP (Byron Howes ) (01/13/84)

I have had enough!  I must side with unc!tim on this issue of Wombats.
We are being infested with the perpetrators of Secular Dialectical
Wombatism who will be the undoing our morals, our faiths, our sexuality
and our hot tubs.  The Insidious Conspiracy that has developed has 
already challenged our natural right to 20-meter racing yachts and our
right to arm bears.  Worse, it has corrupted our youth with vegemite
and Olivia Newton-John.  We must resist with the force of our forbears!
Stamp out Wombats before they corrupt our civility and decency and

					Byron Howes
					UNC - Chapel Hill

amigo2@ihuxq.UUCP (John Hobson) (01/16/84)

Byron Howes, who I had always thought was a voice of reason and
moderation at North Carolina, has shewn his true colours and is
siding with unc!tim on the issue of wombats.  However, he also is
demonstrating his basic ignorance (if ignorance were cornflakes,
he'd be General Mills) by speaking of 20-Metre racing yachts. It's
12-Metre yachts!  (You are stupid, Byron, stark, raving stupid!)

Now, he will probably attack me with the obviously absurd and
fallacious argument that this is an ad hominem arguement.  Just
remember, O bootlicking lackey of Maroney, that truth is truth,
even in Budapest!

				Gloria in Excelcis vombatida,
				John Hobson
				AT&T Bell Labs
				Naperville, IL
				(312) 979-7293

bch@unc.UUCP (Byron Howes ) (01/17/84)

Well!  Hobson makes his choice and accuses me of moderation!  The
mere fact that I stretched 12 meter yachts into 20 meter yachts
should be sufficient proof that I am totally immoderate -- especially
when it comes to Wombats!!  Vile creatures they are, who see the
world upside-down.  Then he goes further and suggests that I am
a bootlicking lackey to Tim Maroney when all who know tim are aware
that he wears sandals (Take that! snow-slogging wombat-ridden minions
of the Northern Hordes) which are carved from the very heart of
wombat hide.  He who would use ad-hominum arguements against me might
also want to take away my grits!

			"Wombats, Wombats, Yum! Yum! Yum!"
					-- The Patriarch of Kzin

					Byron Howes
					UNC - Chapel Hill

amigo2@ihuxq.UUCP (01/18/84)

Listen, Howes, I did not accuse you of moderation.  You have been
so blinded by your illogical and insatiable hatred of wombats that
you cannot read (if your brains were dynamite, you couldn't blow
your hat off).  I had merely thought that you, unlike all others
from Chapel Hill--with the probable exception of Bruce Smith--were a
reasonable and responsible adult.  I admitted that I was wrong and
that you were every bit as Satanically inspired as unc!tim.

I also take back my description of you as a bootlicking lackey of
Maroney.  You are instead a sandal-licking lackey.  And I hope that
your grits have lumps in them (unless, of course, you like thaem
that way, in which case I hope they don't!)

				Ad Majorem Gloriam Vombatidae

				John Hobson
				AT&T Bell Labs
				Naperville, IL
				(312) 979-7293