[micro.ibm] Touch command for the ibmcp??

mas@ecsvax.UUCP (08/23/84)

Does anyone know of an easy way to "touch" a file in MSDOS?
i.e to modify the time stamp to the current time.
There must be some clever dos call that will do such a thing.

Thanks in advance,
mark shifman    ...{decvax,akgua}!mcnc!ecsvax!mas

broehl@wateng.UUCP (Bernie Roehl) (08/27/84)

Easy -- just use INT 21H, function code 57 (get/set a file's date and
time).  It's documented on page D-51 of the DOS 2.00 manual.

        -Bernie Roehl    (University of Waterloo)