[micro.ibm] iniscribe 305: RLL poble?

mvolo@ecsvax.UUCP (Michael R. Volow) (07/27/89)

Have recently acquired a Miniscribe 3053, 5 1/2", 44 MB, 25sec
HD, and am successfully using it in a IBM PC with a WD GEN con-
troller. Drive is formatted intotwo, 2 MBtition

Can this drive be RL-ed successfull and reliably? Would appreciate
replies from any who have done thi. What RLL controller did you use,
XT-type or A-type?.

Does this drive have autopark. It sounds like i when it starts u
Thanks in advance.

M Volow, VA Medical Center, Durham, NC 27705
mvolo@ecsvax.UUCP           919 286 0411