(Michael R. Volow) (12/05/89)
On Zenith Z248 (AT clone) have been using Word Perfect 5.0 successfully in 25 and 43-line modes EGA. Recently have noticed a new problem with "runaway cursor". That is, if down arrow is held down 1-2 seconds, it zips to the bottom of the text, and the status line keeps blinking. Menus which were called before the cursor movement, also appears during the blinking. The program seems to be in some kind of a loop which can be stopped by pressing F1 or any key. The same behavior occur with the right arrow. Slow cursor movements do not bring this on. I find that if I delete from my config.sys, DEVICE=ANSI.SYS, the problem stops. It is present with other screen drivers such as nansi, nnansi, zansi. (I use these screen drivers to speed up a batch file menu system bye copy/b- ing > con: the screens). Removing memory resident programs doesn't help. Only other recent change in the machine is switch to Zenith DOS 3.31, updating the ROMs to version 10, and installing new HD (Seagate 4096 80 MB) and partitioning with Zenith facilities. WP5 is Jan '89 release. Config.sys contains: device=emm.sys device=ansi.sys files=30 buffers=30 shell=C:\ /p/e:1040 Has anyone else seen this problem before? Any help would be appreciated. M Volow, VA Medical Center, Durham, NC 27705 mvolo@ecsvax.UUCP 919 286 0411