jayar@utcsrgv.UUCP (Jonathan Rose) (02/17/84)
_M_i_n_u_t_e_s _F_r_o_m _t_h_e _O_c_t_o_b_e_r _2_0 _V_L_S_I _F_o_r_u_m _C_h_a_i_r_m_a_n: Martin Snelgrove _S_e_c_r_e_t_a_r_y: Jonathan Rose 1. _M_a_r_t_i_n__S_n_e_l_g_r_o_v_e__-__T_h_e__F_a_i_r_c_h_i_l_d__E_L_E_C_T_R_I_C__C_A_D__P_a_c_k_a_g_e Prof. Snelgrove has sent away for a CAD package from Fair- child, called ELECTRIC. It costs only $200 and looks worth investigating. It has the following features: - it has a hierarchical layout editor that allows top down design. - it will maintain conectivity upon movement such as stretching (rubber banding). - supports NMOS,CMOS,BJT,Bulk CMOS, Printed Circuit Boards plus a mixture of the above. (seemingly fantas- tic, but this remains to be seen) - incremental design rule checking - when you change an item in the layout it will let you know if this cause a design rule violation. - can be linked to ESIM (a relative of MOSIM) and also MARS, which is a hierarchical switching simulator. - uses the CORE graphics package, and supports the AED512 and the Ikonas. - claims that a 10,00 transistor design was done in a week, using ELECTRIC. - some of the recomended potential extensions to the sys- tem are: mechanical CAD, 3D CAD and 4D (animation) - work was done by the Artificial Intelligence people at Fairchild in C/Unix. - Prof. Vinod Agarwaal at McGill (who has been trying to get it running on Eunice on a VAX all summer) said that the code is "spaghetti-like". It just goes to show that some programmers can write FORTRAN in any language. - the license is for non-commercial use only, but the source is available to all of U of T. It comes with a manual and a library of cells. - it is not supported. - 2 - 2. _B_r_i_a_n__T_h_o_m_s_o_n__-__C_M_U__D_A__s_y_s_t_e_m Hubnet is currently purchasing three CAD programs from Carnegie- Mellon university. One of the programs is a circuit extracter - that described in the 83 Design Automation Conference, and is called "ACE". It is reportedly quite fast. The other programs are a Wirelist comparator called Gemini and a Design Rule Checker. Gemini is reportedly quite fast and produces CIF output that, when displayed, will hilite netlist diferences. Hubnet is also obtaining WOMBAT from Berkely, another netlist comparator. Peter Boulton is actively engaged in soliciting tools from Berke- ley. Apparently it is now easier to obtain tools from Berkeley than it was a year ago. This is evidenced by the fact that Waterloo has the entire Berkeley VLSI CAD distribution tape. 3. _T_e_t__Y_e_a_p__&__W_a_i_-_H_u_n_g__L_o Tet and Wai are working on a VLSI implementation of the VASTOR 1 bit array processor. An NMOS and CMOS prototype has been sent to Northern Telecom (via the Queens VLSIIC). 4. _N_e_w_s__o_f__N_e_x_t__V_L_S_I_I_C__R_u_n Jaro Pristupa reminds all that the deadline for the next VLSIIC fabrication is January 4/84. All designs should be submitted to him. 5. _D_i_s_c_u_s_s_i_o_n__o_n__S_i_l_i_c_o_n__F_o_u_n_d_r_i_e_s - VASTOR may do 1 or more Silicon Foundry runs when it is con- vinced that reasonable results will occur. - MICROTEL PACIFIC RESEARCH is a Canadian Silicon Foundry. Simon Fraser University in the person of R. Hobson is using the Foundry. We have the design rules for that foundry. 6. _1_6_0_0_0__W_o_r_k_S_t_a_t_i_o_n Martin Snelgrove gave an update of the status of the 16000 workstaion: - there will be printed circuit board versions of the system in January - the boards will cost $2000. - the unity operating system largely works - 3 - - both the user and system software is still being worked on. - it needs a network - possibly HUBNET 7. _V_L_S_I__R_e_s_e_a_r_c_h__G_r_o_u_p Martin Snelgrove gave some information about the newly formed "VLSI Research Group". It consists of the resident Computer Group Profs (Vranesic,Loucks,Zaky, and Hammacher), the Electron- ics Group Profs (Sedra, Salama, Snelgrove, (Holmes?)), and Prof K.C. Smith, and CSRG Profs Boulton and Lee. Prof Salama is the chairman and Prof. Snelgrove is the secretary. (But can he type?) A Brochure is being produced to fully describe the group. It's mandate is to - coordinate VLSI efforts - maintain a list of equipment available for VLSI research - Tax its members to obtain funds for more equipment - exchange and obtain software assests.