henry@utzoo.UUCP (Henry Spencer) (08/12/84)
The following came in the (electronic) mail. Why it came to me in
particular I don't know, but I'm posting it on the chance that folks
may be interested.
From uucp Sat Aug 11 03:31:32 1984
>From ucbvax!olympus!craig@su-shasta.arpa Fri Aug 10 22:05:03 1984 remote from decvax
Return-Path: <decvax!ucbvax!olympus!craig@su-shasta.arpa>
Received: by decvax.UUCP (4.12/1.0)
id AA24782; Fri, 10 Aug 84 22:05:03 edt
Received: from su-shasta.arpa (su-shasta.ARPA.ARPA) by UCB-VAX.ARPA (4.24/4.33)
id AA12847; Fri, 10 Aug 84 04:52:16 pdt
Received: from olympus by Shasta with UUCP; Fri, 10 Aug 84 02:57 PDT
Received: by olympus.UUCP (4.12/4.7)
id AA23238; Thu, 9 Aug 84 17:36:18 pdt
Date: Thu, 9 Aug 84 17:36:18 pdt
From: olympus!craig (Craig Olson) <decvax!ucbvax!olympus!craig@su-shasta.arpa>
Message-Id: <8408100036.AA23238@olympus.UUCP>
To: decvax!utzoo!henry@su-shasta.arpa
Silicon Graphics, Inc. has agreed to a 40% Educational Discount
on all computer products purchased by accredited universities
prior to September 30, 1984. A 45% ARPA Discount is offered at
universities for ARPA contracts which fulfill certain require-
With the 40% discount, the price of an IRIS 1000 Terminal and an
IRIS 1400 Workstation is $22,500 and $35,700, respectively. The
IRIS 1400 includes a stand-alone, 68010-based UNIX environment
(System V with 4.2 BSD enhancements such as demand paging),
real-time 3D color graphics using the Geometry Engine, and Ether-
net with IP/TCP or XNS protocols. The Geometry Engine, a custom
VLSI graphics processor developed under an ARPA contract at Stan-
ford, performs over six million geometric floating point opera-
tions per second.
The IRIS 1400 comes standard with 1.5 MB of CPU memory, 8 bit-
planes of 1024x1024 image memory, and a 72 MB Winchester disk and
controller. Options include additional CPU and image memory, a
floating point accelerator, and large capacity disk and tape sys-
For additional information or to set up a demonstration, contact
Silicon Graphics in Mountain View, California (415/960-1980), or
one of the following regional sales and service offices: Central
Region (313/478-5446); Southern Region (214/788-4122);
Northeastern Region (617/863-8670).
Craig Olson
Product Manager
Silicon Graphics, Inc.
Henry Spencer @ U of Toronto Zoology