[net.religion.jewish] Karaite Jews

martillo@ihuxt.UUCP (Yehoyaqim Shemtob Martillo) (03/15/84)

I apologize but I noticed a major factual error in my original article
(thorah shebe`al peh instead of thorah shebiktab).

While most Jews today are Rabbinical Jews (even if they
are not religious), several minor schismatic groups still exist.  The
Karaite Jews are such a minor schismatic group.  The intellectual
precursors of the Karaite Jews existed in second temple times (the
ceduqim -- cadiqim according to the Karaites) and probably even earlier. 
I have seen scholars claim that the masoretes (the sages who pointed the
th"anak) were members of some pre-Karaitic group.  Anan ben Dawid
(sometimes ben Yosep) crystalized the schism when he wrote ,, seper
hathorah ''.  

The Rabbinical Jews claim that he had been a candidate for the position of
exilarch in Iraq.  The community had rejected him because of his sarcastic
nature.  The Karaite Jews claim that he actually had been the exilarch. 
They claim he was a great scholar and had inspiration from God to reject
the oral tradition of the Talmud.  He proposed that the individual jew had
the right to ignore talmudic and geonic decisions and that the individual
Jew should act solely on his interpretation of scripture. 
(Unlike modern reform Jews, Anan accepted the full obligation of the
micwoth including maintenance of the national status of the Jews and the
obligation to settle the land of Israel.)

The Rabbinical Jews scorned Anan's opinions.  Eventually, he had to flee
Iraq.  He gathered a large following in Egypt.  For the next two hundred
years some of the most competent Jewish grammarians and writers belonged
to this sect.  The leading philologist of the 10th century common era,
Cahal ben Mazliax, belonged to this sect.  Eventually, the Karaites spread
from Egypt and Iraq to Spain, Southern Italy, Sicily, the Caucasus, and
Lithuania.  Yicxaq Troqi, a Lithuanian Karaite, wrote an unsurpassed
refutation of Christianity, ,, xizuq 'emunah ''.

For around three centuries, the Karaitic-Rabbinic debate was hot.
But within recent times, only Lithuanian Karaites were hostile to Rabbinic
Jews.  Elsewhere, the Karaites were just considered idiosyncratic members
of the Jewish community. 

The Karaites would be just an historical curiosity except for an accident
of history.  To Muslims, the Karaite rejection of the Talmud was of no
interest.  Although the Muslims hated Jews, they had not especial hatred
of the Talmud, which is somewhat similar to some Muslim works of
religious scholarship.  Christians, however, established their faith on a
particular interpretation of thorah shebiktab.  The Talmud offered
alternate and sometimes more attractive interpretations of the written
scripture.  The Christians began (around 1239 C.E.) to view the Talmud as
a threat to their faith and also as the reason that Jews refused to
convert to Christianity.

The Christian antisemitic anti-Talmud polemic became totally insane in the
late 18th and 19th centuries.  Works like ,, das entdeckte Thalmud ''
appeared.  Many groveling and gutless Ashkenazim adopted the non-Jewish
view of the Talmud and the oral tradition, and reform Judaism as well as
other assimilationist movements including Labor Zionism were born.

In the twentieth century the Nazis (among whom were many competent
orientalists and Judaicists) accepted the Christian antisemitic
anti-Talmud polemic.  Because there were Egyptian and Lithuanian Karaite
Jews who lived in Germany at the time the Nazis seized power, the
acceptance of the anti-Talmud polemic had immediate ramifications.  The
Nazis were unsure how to treat the Karaite Jews.  They spent 9 years
researching the issue.  The Nazi scholars concluded that being descended
from a community that had accepted the Talmud was prima facie evidence of
corrupt Jewish blood while the Karaites had shown their non-Semitic Aryan
origin by never accepting the corrupt rabbinical Talmud.  The Nazis also
consulted several Rabbinical Jewish scholars.  These scholars concurred in
the Nazi opinion because they did not wish to be responsible for the
murder of half the world's Karaite Jewish community at that time
in German hands.  For the Nazis, Rabbinical Jewish opinion could only be
corroborative and not decisive.

The Nazis exterminated the Jews partially as the culmination of Christian
hostility toward the Talmud.  They wanted to destroy all vestiges of
Talmudic Jewish thought.  They assumed incorrectly that the Talmud would
continue to influence the spirit of even assimilated Jews and through them
corrupt pure Aryan spirituality.  By forgetting the Talmud assimilated
Jews give the Nazis a posthumous victory.  By upholding the Talmud, the
descendents of survivors gain at least a small victory.

						Yehoyaqim Shemtob Martillo
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