martillo@ihuxt.UUCP (Yehoyaqim Shemtob Martillo) (03/25/84)
I received this long and well-written letter from Evelyn C. Leeper. I am replying to it because she raises several interesting issues and because she is halakically Jewish. If she were not halakically Jewish, I probably would not reply. I am not a hakam (Torah-sage), and I would be conceited even to call myself a darshan (preacher who can tell morally edifying stories). If there is any reader of net.religion.jewish who is learned and feels my analysis is not in harmony with Judaism, I invite him to reply, and I believe Miss Leeper would welcome his comment. >I quote your article from the net (to which I am unable to post) in full > to be sure you know what I am talking about (numbers refer to > comments below): > >> Many reviews of Costa-Gavras' new movie, Hanna K., have ignored >> the fundamental offensiveness of this film. Hanna K., My Michael, >> The Lover and several other recent films and books represent the >> rebirth or persistence of an old and popular genre of antisemitic >1> pornography. In this pornography, a dashing non-Jew typically >> rapes or seduces a Jewish woman. The sexual conquest has always >> been a metaphor for the subjugation or annihilation of the Jewish >> people. Usually, there is an implication that the Jewish woman is >> atoning for some sin (e.g. deicide) committed against non-Jewish >> people. >> >> Arab Jews (like my family) find the story of Hanna K. offensive >> because Arab Muslims are historical oppressors of Jews just like >2> Germans, Poles or Rumanians. Jews have no reason at all to feel >> guilty about the treatment of Arab Muslims in Israel. Just as >> the archetypical Black-hating Southern Red-Neck is supposed (unlike >> the ordinary southern white laborer) never to have seen any crime >3> in raping black women, Arab Muslims have considered raping Jewish >> women perfectly permissible behavior. The black community would >> find extremely offensive a movie in which a Black female attorney >4> had an affair with a Red-Neck client suspected of taking part in a >> lynching. >> >5> A truly daring and original theme for a book or movie would >> have described an Arab women who rejected Islamic fanaticism and >> bigotry and who showed her disgust at Islamic culture by taking a >> Jewish lover at risk to her own life. >> > >I have not seen HANNAH K, but my comments are based on the implications > of your article. If I am wrong in my interpretation, please let > me know (-> lznv!ecl). > >1) I do not consider a dashing non-Jew seducing a Jewish woman pornography. > (If I did, I'd have a hell of a lot of problems dealing with my > parents, since my father is Puerto Rican and my mother Jewish-- > though I do not think that 'seduction' was really involved.) > But comment 4 indicates that it isn't even a rape or seduction > question, but a question of any kind of sex. > >2) The idea that since group A has been oppressing group B, it's all right > for group B to oppress group A when they get the chance is bullshit. > As they say in FIDDLER ON THE ROOF, an eye for an eye and a tooth > for a tooth will leave the whole world blind and toothless. One > of the basic tenets of Judaism is justice ("only three things is > required of thee: to do justice, to love mercy, and to walk humbly > with thy God." --Hosea ?:?). NOT revenge, but justice, and always > tempered with mercy. To herd current-day Germans into concentration > camps because of some misguided idea of an eye for an eye would be > vehemently condemned, yet you seem to be saying that any mis-treatment > of current-day Arab Muslims is justified because of past wrongs > committed by some Arab Muslims. > >3) A sweeping generalization if ever I saw one! If I were an Arab Muslim, > I would be outraged. I'm not, and I'm still outraged. > >4) See 1. > >5) Maybe so, but that would be a different movie. It is not quite fair to > ask the filmmaker to make the movie you wanted--though I am guilty > of this myself in my criticism of books that I have read (as in > recent discussion in net.sf-lovers re FRIDAY). > >I see implied in your article a justification of revenge that I think > exacerbates rather than ameliorates the problems that Jews > (or any 'oppressed' minority) face. If you think my complaints > are in some way justified (or need rebuttal), please feel free > to post them (with your comments) to the net. > >Evelyn C. Leeper >lznv!ecl >hocse!lznv!ecl >ihnp4!lznv!ecl 1) English speakers are probably less aware of this genre of pornography than other Europeans. Jews have just been far less numerous in Western than in Central or Eastern Europe. The Merchant of Venice fits into this category although it is also high quality literature. This play is (I remember) based on an Italian work much less sympathetic to Jews and which emphasizes much more the titillating aspects of seducing a Jewish woman. The most recent work dealing with this genre of pornography is Gregor von Rezzori's ,,Memoiren eines Antisemiten'' which is partially a retrospective reflection on this type of literature. The Jews in Europe had many similarities to the blacks in the United States of America. Any decent work on European anti-Semitic literature will describe how Jewish men were supposed to lust after the bodies of decent Christian girls, and how Jewish girls, as non-Christians incapable of true morality, were dynamite sexually. Jewish women were dark and mysterious. Until recent times, European Jews maintained many oriental customs. Women did not eat with their male relatives, and Jewish women rarely travelled unaccompanied by their husbands or fathers or brothers. The combination of suspected wantonness and inapproachability was a constant source of speculation in low European literature and folk traditions. I was raised in a Ladino (Judeo-Spanish) speaking household and understand Castillian and Italian. To describe oneself as a Judio or Giudio in these languages is like announcing one has crabs. Current polite usage is Israelita or ebreo. Judia and Giudia still carry the hint of sexual promiscuity. From the standpoint of Jewish Law, Miss Leeper does have problems. Jewish Law forbids a Jewish woman to sleep with a non-Jewish man. (A non-Jewish man who converts to Judaism is Jewish, and a Jewish woman may sleep with him if all requirements of ritual purity have been fulfilled.) Jewish women are not forbidden non-Jewish men because there are no kind, decent or good non-Jews. Many such non-Jews exist. But the Jewish people has a purpose. When the Jewish people accepted the Torah, they became partners in completing the universe. Jews complete the universe by observing the commandments of the Torah. By performing any commandment, holiness is brought into the Universe. Ashkenazim in particular affirm this purpose by wearing a small poncho as an undergarment. This poncho is incomplete until tassels are added to each corner. These tassels have a series of knots which can be shown to represent the 613 commandments of the Torah which Jewish men observe. Only a fully functioning Jewish community can work on completing the universe. This requirement for a community is obvious because several of the commandments can only be carried out by men or by women or by priests or by priestly attendants or by ordinary Jews exclusively. Thus Jews must build functioning Jewish communities. Since God ordained the basic ground rules of the Jewish community, Jewish sages have spent most of the past 3000 years developing the best possible social structure around the obligation of service to God. Most of the Jewish sages were social engineers of the highest order. They had to be because for a large part of the last 2300 years non-Jews have been working hard to destroy Jewish society. In general, Jewish society differed from the surrounding non-Jewish society in that crime was lower, literacy was higher, Jews were more productive, there was less wife-beating, Jews cared for their children better, and families were much stabler. All these features were required to bring more holiness into the world. Obviously, since a non-Jew does not have the obligation of bringing holiness into the world and since a non-Jew is unlikely to have the necessary understanding of Jewish social structures to function in the society or to bring up his children as Torah-observant Jews, sexual intercourse with non-Jews is as worthless as bestiality, and Jewish law considers a Jewish woman who sleeps with non-Jews to be a whore. However, no stigma exists for the child of such a woman unless the mother is a bat cohen or bat lewi. Christian non-Jews consider Jesus to have fulfilled the Torah, which consequently need no longer be observed. Jewish observance of the Torah is an explicit rejection of Jesus. Since Jewish sexual exclusiveness is intimately bound up with observing the Torah, Christians have in particular objected to Jewish sexual exclusiveness, sometimes have viewed seducing or raping Jewish women a religious duty, and sometimes have considered Jewish sexual exclusiveness evidence of disloyalty to the state. In the past, some Polish noblemen and Mussolini called for extensive campaigns of intermarriage to eliminate their Jewish populations. Napoleon explicitly demanded the Paris Sanhedrin accept Jewish-non-Jewish marriages as valid. Napoleon as a representative of modern European nationalism wanted to exterminate all examples of local particularism. When a minority freely intermarries with a majority, the disappearance of that minority is guaranteed. The disappearance of a culture as beautiful as Eastern European Jewish culture (and I have admitted contempt) depresses me. I doubt that Miss Leeper observes Jewish Law and I would attribute her lack of observance to her parents intermarriage. Please correct me if I am wrong. I have some particular difficulties with Hispanics messing with Jewish girls. My father's family are Spanish Jews. The Spanish did the Jews far worse than Hitler for far longer. Marie Syrkin mentions in "The State of the Jews" (I remember) that the Mexicans were still boiling suspected Jews in oil in 1905. We do not like the thought of a Jewish child being raised as a member of Latino culture which seems to tolerate this barbarism. 2) Miss Leeper like many people who wrote to me misinterpreted my statement. I said, "Jews have no reason at all to feel guilty about the treatment of Arab Muslims in Israel. I said nothing about mistreatment. I am not interested in revenge. Despite some recent nonsense from the Pope, Rabbinic Judaism has never interpreted "an eye for an eye literally." Monetary compensation would be nice. I would be extremely unhappy, and my family would probably take up arms against the government of the State of Israel if the State of Israel mistreated Arab Muslims under Israeli control just as Arab Muslims mistreated Arab Jews. Israeli Arab Muslims are guaranteed as much physical safety as Israeli Jews. Their property is as secure. They have a slightly limited freedom of expression. They have freedom of movement. They may leave Israel if they wish (even with their property). These rights are far more than Arab Jews ever got from Arab Muslims. If Yemenite Jews and Southern-Blacks under Jim Crow could have been exchanged 100 years ago, in such a friendly environment Yemenite Jews would own the South today, and there would be no Blacks today in Yemen. Arab Muslims inside and outside Israel are unhappy. But their unhappiness is more psychological. I have read a large part of the Arab Nationalist writings and Israeli Arab Muslim complaints. Arab Muslims would prefer to be conquerors oppressing fearful Jews. (Raymonda Tawil [not an Arab Muslim but an Arab Muslim brown-noser] makes some revealing statements in the last chapter of "My Home, My Prison.") I can understand this feeling but hardly sympathize. In any case, Arab Muslims give no consideration to Jewish bodies (about three weeks ago the pregnant wife [a Syrian citizen] of the head of the Jewish community of Haleb in Syria was raped and hacked to death by agents of the Syrian government). I am hardly going to give any consideration to damaged Arab psyches. As for the quote from Hosea (?), I could not find it. The septuagint probably differs from the masoretic text. If you learned Hebrew, you could probably pinpoint it more easily for me. Many such quotes exist in the Bible and are often used as a justification for cardiac Judaism. God requires all people to be decent human beings. Since all Jews are people, this requirement is an important part of Judaism but can hardly be considered a substitute for the whole. A typical example: A non-Jew came to Hillel and asked him to teach him the Torah while standing on one leg. Hillel stated the negative version of the golden rule and told him everything else was commentary that required study. This really means: All born Jews are supported by the three patriarchs who are analogous to a three-legged stool, the most stable configuration. This non-Jew was converting to Judaism. A non-Jew only has one patriarch, Abraham, for support. The non-Jew wanted to know how to gain enough understanding of the Torah to be a good Jew. Hillel told him to concentrate on Abraham's particular characteristic, rahamin (mercy, kindness) and this characteristic would be a key to the understanding of the Torah as Abraham understood it. As for showing mercy to an enemy, Jews must only give unconditional mercy to Jewish enemies. Non-Jews may receive mercy under particular circumstances discussed in the Talmud and later works. Sometimes giving mercy is a sin. Shaul and his family lost the kingship because Shaul showed mercy to an ancestor of Haman. In the case of modern day Israeli Arab Muslims, a certain amount of suppression is legitimate. Arab Muslims are required by religious law to subjugate, humiliate and degrade Jews. Arab Muslims have humiliated and degraded Arab Jews for most of the last 1300 years. Arab Muslims continue to persecute, humiliate or degrade Arab Jews and other non-Muslims in Arab Muslim states. Arab Muslim political leaders frequently affirm that they will destroy Israel and at least return Israeli Jews to the state of humiliation and degradation in which Arab Jews lived under Arab Muslim governments before there was a State of Israel. There are unfortunately many more Arab Muslims than Jews. 3) Merely because a generalization is sweeping does not make it untrue. I have usually found making generalizations about groups unpopular with leftist orthodoxy is permissible while making generalizations about popular groups is forbidden. Such a rule of course makes it impossible to say anything negative about Arab Muslim society because there are always exceptions. Of course my family has some dear Muslim friends. Still, I can talk about Arabs in general (just the way history books and newspapers talk about Germans murdering Jews in WWII or European colonialism). I base my judgement on what the society tolerates. I can determine what the society tolerates. Since the society sets up the legal system, the legal system indicates what the society considers permissible behavior. When I was a student at college, I researched this question. No Muslim court anywhere in any Muslim country has ever convicted a Muslim of raping a Jewish woman. Non-Muslim women are assumed to be whores under Islamic law and get what they deserve. There are many books on Sharia` in English and a few are honest enough to mention this ruling. In many areas historically and in Southern Libya (where my mother's family originates), in Yemen, and in parts of Iran there was a systematic kidnapping and rape of young Jewish girls. There is a Qur'anic verse that more or less states: There is no compulsion in religion. This verse does not mean what it seems to mean. One must consult the Muslim equivalents of Rashi to find the meaning. It means: A person's natural religion is Islam. Only because of respect for one's parents is one a non-Muslim. If a child's father dies before he becomes mature (13), raising him as a non-Muslim is compulsion. He (but more often she) must be taken away from her family and be raised as a Muslim. Arab Muslims prefer to have girls married shortly before the onset of menses. The Muslim who takes the girl of course pays no bride price to her father. The absence of bride-price was a strong economic pressure for this type of kidnapping-rape. Goitein in his writings describes the Yemenite situation. Lately, Egyptian Copts have been complaining about this or a similar practice. While not all Islamic governments enforced this ruling, and while those, that did, have not always enforced the ruling, this ruling has always existed as a particular nasty and terrible threat. Islam has such practices and policies because Islam is a strong-proselytizing religion. The core of any strong proselytizing religion is hatred. If someone proselytizes me, he says, "I hate your religion, I hate your culture, you must adopt my religion and my culture." Islamic ideology assumes all non-Muslim minorities will be exterminated through assimilation. Physical, sexual (all conquerors have demanded sexual access to a conquered people's women), and psychological degradation are supposed to hasten this program of extermination. The program does work. More Assyrian Christians (a neo-Aramaic speaking monophysite group) live in Chicago than in Iraq (their homeland). I once heard a lecture by an Iraqi Jewish women after she got out of Iraq in the late 1970's. She stated -- I never knew freedom. Now if I were given the choice between living in an Arab country and walking into the ocean and drowning, I'd walk -- (free translation). Since you are Jewish, you could emigrate to Syria and join the Jewish community. Your opinion after living there for a year (probably more) would be interesting. Arab Muslims owe the Jews. Yet, Costa-Gavras feels we Jews owe Arab Muslims and simultaneously reminds us of one most unpleasant form of Arab Muslim oppression. 4) I asked some of the Blacks in my department about this sentiment. They told me such a hypothetical movie would be offensive. One said it would be offensive and more interesting than the current movie fare. Several suggested I should have said: Just as Southern Red-Necks never saw any crime in raping black women, Arab Muslims have considered raping Jewish women perfectly permissible behavior. The black community would find extremely offensive a movie in which a Black female attorney had an affair with a Red-Neck client suspected of taking part in a lynching. If Miss Leeper asks any of her black acquaintances, I would be interested in their opinion. The second version is closer to my original. I changed the phraseology because I scanned the news files and found one usage of "Southern Red-Neck" which resulted in a some mindless flames about American Indians. 5) I have to concede this point. But I would like to see some understanding from the left (Costa-Gavras is a European Leftist) of Jewish sensibilities just as the Left has been demanding Jews understand Arab sensibilities. Unfortunately, I have probably offended Miss Leeper, but I prefer not to prevaricate. All that I have said about Miss Leeper's mother's halakic status exists in freely available translation.
donn@sdchema.UUCP (03/26/84)
I hate to sound like I got stuck on a picky detail after reading a long and interesting article. But the question really stuck in my mind. Do (some) Jews really consider marriage with Gentiles to be 'bestiality'? The article only mentioned marriage between a Jewish woman and a Gentile man -- does the same contempt apply to a marriage between a Jewish man and a Gentile woman? A curious atheist, Donn Seeley UCSD Chemistry Dept. ucbvax!sdcsvax!sdchema!donn