[net.religion.jewish] Assertions of jewishness...

hbb@houxt.UUCP (05/22/84)

Toby's point is well taken. However, under  the  assumption  that
many  of  the  other Jewish parents whose children go to the same
school as does Toby's daughter, do, in fact, have  concern  about
the  observance  of  the   Jewish   holidays  (like  Shavuote and
Succote,) there   may   be   other   explanations    for    their
seeming  indifference  to  the school administration's scheduling

One possibility is that the children of the other Jewish  parents
are  not as interested in the events that seem to be consistantly
scheduled on these days (mostly in the performing arts.) If  that
is  the  case, then the parents may not feel the need to complain
just on principle.

Another possibilty may be that the parents know that  many  other
schools  have  exams and courses running in conflict with some of
the Jewish holidays (like Shabbos.) Universities may be the  most
significant  example of this, since achievement there often means
more to  the  student.  At  any  rate,  these  parents  may    be
somewhat    relieved    that    nothing    more    serious   than
extracurricular activities are scheduled on these days.
Harlan B. Braude

martillo@ihuxt.UUCP (Yehoyaqim Martillo) (05/26/84)

I see no particular reason for the government of the USA to be
facilitating Jewish observance (although of course the government of the
State of Israel should support Jewish observance) but Harlan B. Braude's
rationalization of the school's behavior ignores the point Toby Robison
was making.  The vast majority of the Jews in his area seemed to care
nothing about a regel and apparently most of the Jewish students in his
daughter's activities casually desecrated a Hag.

Here in Chicago, we are currently having a rather silly debate over using
a Miqweh for reform and conservative conversions.  I see no great reason
to worry about non-Jews converting to a false religion.

Also Toby Robison should not be terribly surprised that the local Jews
who are practicing false religions do not practice them faithfully.