[net.religion.jewish] Who Is A Jew?

rjb@akgua.UUCP (R.J. Brown [Bob]) (05/31/84)

I am not a Jew, I am not Jewish

I am not a Gentile as this word means "without God"

Although my dictionary shows Goy meaning tribe or nation,
I can't escape what I feel is a pejorative sting to the word.

I have often heard it said with a sneer in the voice ( or in the

I am a redneck, but YOU better be careful in your reference to me
as same.  See how it works ? An out group can abuse each other
with the member names but NON-members can't.  I notice this among
other out groups (i.e. Blacks, Catholics ( regionally) etc.)

Do Jews do this too ?

How about it Jewish persons ? Is Goy (Goyim) etc. equal to some of the nasties
directed at Jews, Blacks, Irish, Catholics, ad nauseam,...

Bob Brown {...clyde!akgua!rjb}
AT&T Technologies, Inc.............. Norcross, Ga
(404) 447-3784 ...  Cornet 583-3784