segs@mhuxv.UUCP (slusky) (06/08/84)
I thought that Y.S.Martillo might be getting tired of having to hold up his end of all the arguments in this group, so I'm going to fill in just this once. Having just completed our observance of S:abuot, I wanted to inform you Ashkenazim of the normative Jewish minhagim (as practiced in Libya, of course) surrounding the yom tob, which (of course) differ from the Westernized, assimilated practices you are generally familiar with. First of all, we real Jews begin three days before S:abuot with the joyous ceremony of K'liy'at Hanas:im (Locking Up the Women), since, after all, the Torah states that before the revelation at Har Sinai we were commanded, "Heyoo n'honim lis:los:et yamim 'al tigg's:oo 'ees:s:a." (Be ready against the third day; come not near a woman.) Exodus 19:15 All the women in the community are locked up in the largest house in the community until the arrival of the hag. The men in the community take turns standing guard to see that none of the women get out. Meanwhile, inside the women's house, the women are busy preparing the roasted, stewed and braised goats. All this eating of dairy foods on S:abuot is clearly just another empty-headed Western invention. On S:abuot we Jews eat meat just as on any other hag, but not beef or veal since that might be taken to represent the 'egel ha zahab (golden calf) and not lamb since lamb is associated with the qarban pesah. This practice of eating goat on S:abuot is clearly substantiated in the Talmud (S:abuot 555-1212b). Here in this barbaric part of the world you can't even get kosher goat. Typical! Lastly, we decorate the sifrei Torah with rocks on strings hung from the 'aytzim. This is to remind us of the loohot ha'eben (stone tablets) which Moshe Rabbenu brought down from Har Sinai, a beautiful minhag. Any simpering fool who decorates the sifrei Torah with flowers is just drumming up business for their local, assimilated, Westernized, Ashkenazic allergist. A belated Hag Sameach to you all. Estrallita Nassim Hmessa Albez (known in her Ashkenazic state as Susan Slusky) an Equal Opportunity Lampooner (As my great grandfather Hakam Hakam used to say, "She who puts rocks on the Sefer Torah will have rocks and Torah in her head." Only of course he said it in JudeoArabic so it sounded much better.) -- mhuxv!segs
martillo@ihuxt.UUCP (Yehoyaqim Martillo) (06/10/84)
I think that Susan Sludsky has fairly accurately reproduced the type of bigoted ignorant abuse to which my family and most other oriental Jews were subjected when they emigrated to Israel. Westerners in their cultural chauvinism assume that when women from an oriental society are not encouraged to fill exactly the same social roles as men, there must be systematic abuse of women. And then of course there is the general principle if you don't understand it dump on it. -- Yehoyaqim Shemtob Martillo (An Equal Opportunity Offender)
dcs@homxa.UUCP (D.SIMEN) (06/11/84)
> I think that Susan Sludsky has fairly accurately reproduced the type of > bigoted ignorant abuse to which my family and most other oriental Jews > were subjected when they emigrated to Israel. > Westerners in their cultural chauvinism assume that when women from > an oriental society are not encouraged to fill exactly the same social > roles as men, there must be systematic abuse of women. And then of course > there is the general principle if you don't understand it dump on it. > Yehoyaqim Shemtob Martillo > (An Equal Opportunity Offender) I am amazed that Y. Martillo doesn't recognize his own style, which Susan Slusky reproduced so well! Her article was funny because it was such a brilliant pastiche of Martillo's style -- with a perfect reproduction of his own "bigoted abuse" (although I cannot and will not accuse him of ignorance) and "cultural chauvinism". It was certainly not a "dump" on Sefardi customs; the only dumping I've seen in this newsgroup has come from Martillo himself. Somewhere I remember a mitsva that reads "V'ahavta l're`aka kamoka". David ben Mord'kai Simen ...!homxa!dcs
martillo@ihuxt.UUCP (Yehoyaqim Martillo) (06/12/84)
I do not mind being dumped on since I expect to get what I give, but Sludsky's article came closer to being dumping on Sefardim than dumping on me. In any case, Ashkenazim have to be very careful about this because it is not uncommon for Ashkenazi intellectuals in the U.S.A. and in Israel to write about the psychopathology of Sefardim. This is just chauvinistic trash. I know of no Sefardim intellectuals who are writing about the psychopathology of Ashkenazim. -- Yehoyaqim Shemtob Martillo (An Equal Opportunity Offender)
rlr@pyuxn.UUCP (Rich Rosen) (06/14/84)
> I do not mind being dumped on since I expect to get what I give, but > Sludsky's article came closer to being dumping on Sefardim than dumping > on me. In any case, Ashkenazim have to be very careful about this because > it is not uncommon for Ashkenazi intellectuals in the U.S.A. and in Israel > to write about the psychopathology of Sefardim. This is just chauvinistic > trash. I know of no Sefardim intellectuals who are writing about the > psychopathology of Ashkenazim. Yehoyaqim Shemtob Martillo Does this mean that Mr. Martillo is not Sefardic? Or just not an intellectual? :-) -- "I take your opinions and multiply them by -1." Rich Rosen pyuxn!rlr