[net.religion.jewish] Solutions or Illusions?

wkp@lanl-a.UUCP (10/05/84)

   >Bill,  Christianity did not Judaize the pagan world in any sense. 
   >Rather,  Christianity  paganized (Roman-ized) the teachings of  a 
   >Jewish  sect  known  as the N'tzarim  and  spread  the  corrupted 
   >teachings  to the world.  Christianity is not Jewish in any sense 
   >and cannot therefore,  Judaize. 

You can't have it both ways.  Either Christianity is not Jewish in any
sense, or it is a paganization of the teachings of a Jewish sect that
spread its corrupted teachings around the world.

   >Secondly, materialism was never the primary motivating factor
   >in the presecutions under Constantine, the Crusaders, the 
   >Spanish Inquisition, nor Hitler...the persecutions were fueled
   >by Christian concerns more than materialism.  The persecutions
   >would never have caught on due to materialism alone, but the
   >converse does not hold.  Therefore, I conclude that Christianity
   >is FAR worse than materialism.

Your view is too simplistic.  Most of the crimes which you ascribe to         
Christianity should instead be ascribed to a combination of
religious fervor, racism, nationalism, materialism, economics, etc.     

  >On behalf of that Jewish mother I'm deeply offended
  >and grieved by your callous and cavalier 'holier-than-thou'
  >attitude.  She may  be  ashamed  to confront you but 
  >someone needs to point out the effect of  such attitudes
  >and the consequences.  It is this attitude  which  has 
  >alienated  so many who were brought up in religious homes and who 
  >once  attended  synagogue themself.  You seem to think  there  is 
  >something wrong with them.  I feel there is something wrong  with 
  >the way we are doing things - and this is one. 

I don't think that I conveyed a cavalier or callous attitude in
regards to that woman.  I agree with you that we need to do something
about alienated Jews, but perhaps you should agree with me
that it is not *our* fault that such Jews exist.

Yiri, you insist that I don't have any feelings towards the poor.
What is your feeling about synagogues *selling* seats on Rosh
Hashana and Yom Kippur for $250 upward?  How can the poor afford
that?  Or *selling* aliyot to recite the brachot over the Torah? 
How can any religious Jew defend that?

No, I refuse to accept responsibility for such hypocrisy.  However,
all of us are responsible in some degree for not trying to right the
wrongs we do see.  Is that your point?  If so, do you have any

                  Gamar Hatimah Tovah to everyone.

                                        Bill Peter       

yiri@ucf-cs.UUCP (Yirmiyahu BenDavid) (10/07/84)

In response to the last article by Bill Peter. 

Yes, in your last paragraph you have indeed struck upon the 
point I was attempting to make. We can try blaming everything
in the universe for these ills but I see nothing else which
will have constructive results except accepting the blame
ourselves. We are the only ones who can change them.

Regarding suggestions, discussion is a beginning (feeble and
oft-tried as it is). Perhaps the suggestions of one being
placed before many and being processed through the minds of
others and enhanced thereby, and further processed in this
way - eventually something workable may come out. Think
tank tactics. At least one prerequisite is that we apply
ourselves to that issue. Throw out some ideas. Don't be
afraid of 'flames'. 

One of the most obvious suggestions I can think of is for
those of us who are generally concerned to accept the blame
that WE haven't changed things. YOU (each reader) take some
direct action to change things for the better - and not just
one action either! You must continue as long as there is 
breath in your lungs. I'm certainly NOT advocating contri-
buting to some campaign to do it for you either (emphatically
not - YOU must DO something). That is not to say that organ-
ized efforts should not be supported, they should - but not
in place of direct personal action. 

What kinds of direct personal action are there? How many of
you bothered to communicate to the Jewish mother on net.kids,
without condemnation or any holier-than-thou cavalierness,
that you were concerned, that you cared, that you were
sympathetic, that you were willing to be a friend and help
if you could? I can tell you that she has not been over-
whelmed by caring, concerned Jews!!! This is what you can
do on a personal basis, not just for this woman, but for
the other families like hers in YOUR community. We managed
to turn them off because of our callous attitude and it is
us who must change that, but this means that YOU and I must 
be PERSONALLY and ACTIVELY INVOLVED. You cannont simply send
your rabbi to do the job for you. If you do not do this
then I tell you that I regard YOU as part of the problem
rather than part of the solution. It is caring and loving
INDIVIDUAL Jews who will or will not make the difference, 
not any Jewish organization. Organizations are good for
accomplishing many things, but dealing with individuals on
a personal level requires an individual representing them-
self, not some organization they stand for. You can argue
for social service and counselling organizations ad infinitum
but I will continue to maintain that, no matter how dedicated
the organization worker, and no matter his/her supposed ex-
pertise, they cannot have the impact of a caring and loving
individual acting out of his/her own caring and love. 

Well, feeble as it may be, that is at least a start.