[net.religion.jewish] Sean Ferguson

sms@eisx.UUCP (Samuel Saal) (02/08/85)

Rich Rosen asks if anyone recalls the story of the Jew named
"Sean Ferguson". I may not be the greatest of storytellers, but
this is the way I heard it.

The line at Ellis Island was very long and the US government
clerks were getting impatient. They wanted to process these
people as fast as possible.  A little Jewish man came up to the
clerk and the clerk began to ask him some questions.  The first
question was, of course, "What is your name?". The Jewish man was
very nervous. He knew that if he'd make a lot of mistakes the
clerk would think he was an undesirable and would send him back
to Russia. The clerks question was not difficult but in his
nervousness the man forgot even his name. Standing there
nervously the man muttered: "Sheyn Fer-guessen! (I forgot!)" The
clerk, dutifully filling the application, said: "OK, Sean
Ferguson, When were you born...."

Sam Saal         ..!{ihnp4}!eisx!sms

Some People take more Care to hide their Wisdom than their Folly.
Sam Saal @ Video Heaven