[net.religion.jewish] "Be Happy, It's Adar": The PURIM Frumkeit Test

kenw@lcuxc.UUCP (K Wolman) (03/05/85)

 * Save this questionnaire to a file.
 * Edit out the heading and .signature lines at the bottom.
 * At the "$" prompt type the following:
 *	cc -o frum frum.c
 * After a few seconds you will get a program called frum.  Make
 * sure it is executable by you.  
 * frum.c: Frumkeit questionnaire for net.religion.jewish

# include <stdio.h>

char *quest[] = {
  "You eat only kosher food at all meals every day",
  "You pray three times daily without fail",
  "You give tsedakah regularly",
  "You have at least one Rebbe within 50 miles on whom you can rely",
  "You learn to the point of perspiration at least twice a week",
  "You wear an arba kanfoth regularly",
  "Your marriage was arranged by a shadchan",
  "You will not stay in a room with a woman/man other than your wife/husband",
  "You send your children to a yeshiva",
  "You have an income adequate to meet basic religious expenses",
  "You get strength from your religious beliefs",
  "You regularly attend shul for both prayer and social activities",
  "You have a network of chaverim",
  "You have a Talmud study group to confide in about personal matters",
  "You are in good health (including eyesight, hearing, teeth)",
  "You are able to confide your doubts when angry or worried",
  "You have regular conversations with the people you live with\n  about domestic problems (e.g. chores, money and daily living issues)",
  "You are able to control your yetzer hara effectively",
  "You make no fewer than 100 brochos a day",
  "You take quiet time for study during the day",

main ()
{ int score = 0, answer;
  char **q = quest;

  printf ("******************************************************\n");
  printf ("*   Frumkeit test for Net.Religion.Jewish, Purim 1985    *\n");
  printf ("*   Answer each question with a number from 1 to 5.  *\n");
  printf ("*   1 = almost always, 5 = never.                    *\n");
  printf ("******************************************************\n\n");
  while (*q)
  { printf ("%s: ", *q++);
    scanf ("%d", &answer);
    while (answer < 1 || answer > 5)
    { printf ("Please enter a number from 1 (always) to 5 (never): ");
      scanf ("%d", &answer);
    score += answer;
  score -= 20;
  printf ("\nYour frumkeit quotient is %d (range is 0 to 80).\n", score);
  if      (score <=  0) printf
    ("People who cheat on frumkeit tests are highly susceptible to their yetzer hara.\n");
  else if (score <= 10) printf
    ("You are probably from Boro Park or Monsey.\n");
  else if (score <= 30) printf
    ("You are reasonably religious.\n");
  else if (score <= 50) printf
    ("You park your car 3 blocks from shul on Shabbos.\n");
  else if (score <= 75) printf
    ("You are probably Conservative.\n");
  else if (score <= 78) printf
    ("You are probably Reform.\n");
  else if (score >= 79) printf
    ("You are probably a Gentile.\n");

Ken Wolman
Bell Communications Research @ Livingston, NJ

	You can't "read" me because I'm not a book.