wkp@lanl.ARPA (03/07/85)
Spain has decided to join in the celebration of the Year of the Rambam, beginning March 30, in celebration of the 850th year of his birth. The previous democratic government of Spain, under President Zmora, also celebrated the 800th birthday of the Rambam (Rav Moshe ben Maiman) in 1935. Some facets of the celebration will be: 1. Issuance of stamps in honor of the Rambam. 2. The opening of the old Bet Knesset in Cordova (the place of his birth) for the first time in 500 years, including a "tekes zichron v'tefila." 3. In July, a symposium on Sephardic (Spanish-Jewish) music. 4. In September, an exhibition of Rambam's times will be held. 5. Also in September, an international congress (the very first!) in honor of Rambam, covering his life and philosophy will take place. *********************************************** I personally would like to commend Spain for recognizing the greatness of this theologian, mathematician, physician, and philosopher. Hag Purim Sameach to all! --- bill peter {ihnp4,seismo}!cmcl2!lanl!wkp