amra@ihu1n.UUCP (s. aldrich) (03/15/85)
*** REPLACE THIS LINE WITH YOUR MESSAGE *** {There is a Fifth Dimension Beyond That Which Is Known To Man.....} Greetings Mr. Black; Your most recent "diatribe" is both disturbing and perplexing! I'd like to raise a few counter-points to some of your comments. I am "still waiting" for a reply from you concerning your "Fax Paus" article! But that is another matter entirely. Below are the "quotations" from YOUR ARTICLE, "Black Replies", along with MY COMMENTS. I "REALLY" would like to hear/see some comments from you regarding this follow-up, as well as the previous one mentioned earlier. Well, for better or worse, here are the quotes/comments..... ==> Don Black's comments **> Steve's Comments ==> Don Says....... They tell me that Falwell's preaching is so pro-Israel and pro-Jewish that he trips over himself. How can you say that such a fine Christian as Jerry (who runs many campus Christian groups) is anti-non-Christian? ==> End Of Quote (EOQ) **> MY COMMENTS: You must not *LISTEN* to Falwell's "sermons/rallys" very often!. He sure "rants and raves" about the *SO CALLED* "homosexual/secular/ communist/whatever...." plot to subvert/corrupt/eliminate the "religious traditions" of this country. People such as the Rev. Falwel and yourself , based on your postings, just love to "rabble rouse" in the name of G-d. I doubt if there'd be much "tolerance for" or "acceptance of" dissent under a government based on the ideals of yourself and/or the {NON}-Moral {NON}- Majority. Comments Mr. Black??? **> ==> Don Black Says....(in reply to another) That ain't exactly what I've heard. For example, I heard that in the State of Israel (the epitome of Judaism) it is not possible for a non-Jew to obtain citizenship. I also heard it is against the law to give a Jew a copy of the New Testament. I heard that it is also an offense to tell a Jew under 18 years of age anything about Christianity. I heard that in the State of Israel if you don't belong to a certain nationality of Jews, you and a dog have a lot in common. (Somebody even told me that it is an offense punishable by death to allow a non-Jew to read the Talmud, but that sounds a little far-fetched to be true.) If I heard wrong, then I'm ignorant, and I need educating. Now I ask, is it an indecent act to hand out copies of the New Testa- ment? Is it an indecent act to be anything other than...No, I'm going to refrain from finishing this sentence. ==> EOQ **> My Comments: Don, you complained about Laura not citing sources earlier then do "EXACTLY THE SAME THING YOURSELF!" Where did you "hear this"? From Whom did you "hear this"? What are the *FACTS*, as opposed to YOUR VERSION of reality? You state: ..."If I heard wrong, then I'm ignorant and I need educating." Boy do you need "education", as opposed to indoctrination! You sure seem to "Go Out Of Your Way" to deride the beliefs of the Jewish religion! What Is YOUR Problem,Don? Could it be possible that you harbor "negative/hostile" feelings/emotions toward this group? I am lead to believe that you are a member of some group which has "polluted your mind" and "corrupted your thoughts", but maybe I'm wrong. You could have come up with this on your own I suppose. Why do you "blatantly" ATTACK the "beliefs and practices" of others for whom you "suppossedly have tolerance?" **> ==> Don Says...... Yes, the 20th century sure has been preposterous! Since 1914, Babylon has done nothing but get drunk on the blood of American martyrs. We've waged plenty of battles against Communism, but to this day we have not yet declared war on it. (And what could be a better definition of "Antichrist" than "those who are against, i.e. anti-, Christ? And who are more anti-Christ than the Communists, except for maybe...well, never mind.) I guess maybe an even greater problem in America is not with Communism, not with atheists, not with the Jews, or the schools, or the politicians, but rather it is a deeper, less obvious problem. American Christians just do not realize who they are, what America is, and what God's promise to them and to America comprises. When American Christians begin to "see the light," the Antichrist is in "deep sneakers." In Hoc signo, Don Black ==> EOQ **> My Comments: Don, What In The Name Of Blue Blazes Are You Trying To Say? What,according to your "warped" views, is this "PROMISE FROM GOD TO AMERICAN CHRISTIANS?" What is the "Manifest Destiny",{my term}, of "American" Christians? Also, are you trying to imply that we should launch a "military attack" on the USSR? If so, what do you think will be the result of such a policy? Do you actually believe that if the USSR were to launch an attack, nuclear or otherwise, that G-d would prevent the USA from losing? Were you dropped on you head as a child? Did the doctor perform a lobotomy on you at BIRTH? What type of substances have you been ingesting lately? Something must be clogging up your mental faculties, if such are present. In short Don, I think your ideas, and possibly your mind, are a empty as a cubic yard of space! Well, I'm waiting, (and will probably continue waiting), to hear your comments Don! From The Resident Zen-Baptist: Steve Aldrich (ihnp4!ihu1n!amra) "If you don't like the way I'm livin', you just leave this long-haired country boy alone!" P.S. Your Comments Are Invited On The Above!