amra@ihu1n.UUCP (s. aldrich) (03/21/85)
{The Computer Has Been Drinking, Not Me.......} For those who may be interested, here is "another" posting from Don Black. I'm sure there are those in this group who may have a "few" disagreements with Mr. Black's positions. See below for details....... From: black@nisysg.DEC Newsgroups: net.religion Subject: Paranoia I want to thank you all who educated me in a sane, reasonable manner about the laws of the State of Israel. I do appreciate the information, and I will recheck my original sources. I'm sure you won't mind if I quote a few of them for comment. A couple of quick comments.... To Rich Rosen: Rich, not to be personal, but GROW UP! Using obscenities in the context of this net is totally juvenile. I spent seven years in the service of this nation, so my ears are used to it. But there are ladies present. Besides, Rich, you've shown your true colors as possibly an intolerant nerd. You are (inadvertently or not) adding fuel to my comments about Judaism. How can you say you are tolerant of other religions when you so violently condemn me and mine? I do believe I made a statement when I first submitted to this net that I don't believe in religious persecution. I stand by that comment. I also firmly believe in the section of the First Amendment that mandates the free expression of religious beliefs. My religion states certain beliefs, and those beliefs are still covered by the First Amendment. To Laura: Thank you for you information on campus groups. I am sure UNH may have something similar. But I will look into the subject. I sure would appreciate some mailing addresses, if you have them. To Marchionni: You're right, I could tolerate a true pluralistic society. I could even live in one dominated by the Catholic Church, I think. I don't know if I could accept reconciliation--the Church would really have to work at it. (By the way, I volunteer as a Committeeman with the local Boy Scout troop, which is sponsored by the local parish. I make sure that I don't get into any religious discussions. Sometimes it's better not to.) Both my children have attended Catholic schools in the Boston area for at least four years. I am very disappointed in the level of religious teachings in the Catholic schools today. It's nothing compared to what it used to be in the 50's and 60's. I just object to the kind of crap that I am starting to see here on the net--the absolute hypocracy that tolerates no adverse comments on Judaism, but yet I have Jewish acquaintences that think nothing of referring to Holy Communion as "Swallow the leader," for example. I expected to receive something like this: >Your recent message on net.religion got a lot of customers angry. >Since you're identifiable as a Dec employee, it might be wise >to be cautious in your postings, since they reflect on all >of us. >Fri 15-Mar-1985 22:03 Maynard Time. I won't embarrass the sender by identifying him. I do believe it's a rather blatant attempt at censorship. I thought we were all professional enough not to take things personally, to not allow our discussions here to affect or professional and business activities. I guess we're not. Let me add the disclaimer that the beliefs and the opinions I express here are those of this author, and not necessarily the policy of D.E.C. When I first submitted to this net, I asked if there were any Identity Christians in the group. Apparently there are not. Let me explain a little of our precepts then. Identity Christianity simply believes that Christians are the true Israelites, God's true Chosen People, and that America is the true Promised Land. We believe that the covenants God made with the Israelites are still in full force and effect, and that we Christians still have a responsibility to keep God's Law as he laid out in scripture. We also believe that scripture tells us exactly what to expect from the Antichrist, how to identify the Antichrist, and how to conduct ourselves accordingly. I will in future submissions submit scriptural references for your reading pleasure. I believe most of the net is open-minded. I don't ask any of you to accept any of my belief. To each his own. In Hoc signo (Vinces!), Don Black For even more "details" concerning Mr. Black's posting(s),, see net.religion material posted over the last few weeks. I will keep you posted on any further/future developments. Have An Enjoyable Day! Peace & Best Wishes From The Resident Zen-Baptist: Steve Aldrich (ihnp4!ihu1n!amra) P.S. I am only cross-posting Mr. Black's "articles"(?) to make sure others who may wish to rebut his views are aware of them..