amra@ihu1n.UUCP (s. aldrich) (03/22/85)
{..You're Travelling Through Another Dimension.....} Once again, for those in this news-group who may be interested, I present the Anti-Jewish Ramblings Of Don Black. I am "shocked & outraged" at this "persons" continued "hate-mail". See below for the details....... From: black@nisysg.DEC Newsgroups: net.religion Subject: If the shoe fits.... >I think that all Black can say about the Aryan Nations is that they're "a >little (!!!) far out" speaks for itself. This implies that I agree with them entirely. Well, I don't--not entirely, anyway. Some of their members are very active in the protest movement against the Marxist Internal Revenue Service. (Oh, the IRS isn't Marxist, is it? Take a look in the Communist Manifesto sometime. Article 2, I believe.) >As I already mentioned, Falwell and the "new Christian right" are incredibly >bulging with hypocrisy. The "old Christian right" (e.g., Carl McIntyre) >was quite blatant in its hatred for Jews and just about anyone else who looked >at them funny, and the "new Christian right" is just engaging in a supposedly >sly public relations move when they "clean up their act" and show how much >they "love" Jews and Israel. It makes me want to spit. I guess there's mixed emotions about Falwell et alia. Most of the comments about him, Oral Roberts, and Billy Graham were just the opposite from Identity ministers. For example, why is it that Billy Graham has no problem preaching in the Soviet Union? Is it because the Soviets really do have freedom of religion? More than likely they know he'll go back to the US and preach the wonders of the Soviet nation. >I'll say. Kinda almost makes you appreciate the fact that Arndt at least >quotes sources, as bogus as they might be. Let's start with "The Life of an American Jew in Racist Marxist Israel," by Jack Bernstein (the American Jew who wrote it), published by Liberty Library, 300 Independence Ave., SE, Washington, DC 20003. I also have several acquaintences who happen to be of the Jewish persuasion. (Notice I refrain from using the line, "Some of my best friends are Jews?") >No, please, tell us. What are you afraid to tell us, sir? The Antichrist is those who are anti-Christ. If the shoe fits, wear it. >I think the implication of this paragraph is clearly that the things and people >that Black lists at the top MAY have been thought to be a problem (at least >by him) and perhaps to him they still are problems, but there's some much >more important problem. Between your bigoted rantings at the top and the >hallucinations and delusions of grandeur, I think we can all rest assured that >you either really are an a**h*** who is as full of s*** as humanly possible, >or an obnoxious clown who thinks jokes about "Jews as a problem" are funny. >(Sound familiar?) I'm sure that the vast majority of Christians out there >feel the same way, and if they'd get off their behinds and speak their minds >about you rather than just saying "He's just a crackpot a**h***! Forget him!", >we'd all be a lot better off. I can only hope to THEIR god that they do. >Because if they don't and people with your perspective enter the American >Christian mainstream and influence the future of American freedom, we're >really gonna learn the meaning of antichrist----Don Black is looking at it >right in his own mirror. [Rich Rosen ihnp4!pyuxd!rlr] (The *****'s indicate where I have deleted explitives from the original text. --DB) Why is it allright to be anti-Christian, anti-God, anti-Moslem, but anti-Jewish or anti-Israeli is anathema? Is this not hypocritical? If anybody out there disagrees with me, fine. I'm not going to lose any sleep over it. In fact, I invite commentary--sane, reasonably-presented commentary. (By the way, my MAIL is running 2 to 1 in favor.) The biggest problem amongst Christians today is that we do tend to ignore people such as yourself, Rich. That is, those who are bent on eliminating any sort of God from everyday life. We don't take you seriously enough. And when we do we get labled A**h***s (usually f***ing a**h***s), s***heads, bigots, racists, Nazis, etc. And the worst ephitets are thrown when we get near the truth. ******************************************************************************* >I thought that anti-Jewish ranting went out with my Daddy's >generation. First, it ain't true. Second, it ain't nice. >Third, how are we ever going to successfully preach the >Kingdom to Jewish folks, if they get (GET HELL!! MAINTAIN !!) >the distinct impression that we hate them and would rather >color them gone. >Mind you, Mr Black, I have been accused of being an anti-semite >and have never used such vile rhetoric as you have displayed >recently. >Bob Brown {...ihnp4!akgua!rjb} Did I say anywhere that I want to see Jews get "colored gone?" Please, Brownie, quote me if you will, but kindly don't put words into my mouth. I can do enough of that myself, thank you. Why is it that invectives aimed at Christianity are tolerated, but legitimate questions about Judaism become "vile rhetoric?" No, you're right--it ain't nice to rant untruths about Jews. But I have a lot of questions about what the truth is. So do a lot of people. How am I to learn if I don't ask? ****************************************************************************** >You heard wrong. Yes, you need educating, but first you've got to stop >visiting those book stores in Torrance for your information about Jews. >Does it really bother you that the deity you worship was an Israeli >citizen--and a Jew--and not Ernst Zundel? 1. That book store in Torrence, CA, is the Institute for Historical Review, a non-profit organization that studies the causes of war. It is most noted for its attempts to investigate by forensic means the Holocaust of recent history. It posted a $50,000 reward for anyone who could prove beyond a reasonable doubt that the Holocaust actually took place in Europe under Hitler. That reward has not yet been collected. The library was sacked and burned on 4 July 1984 by a professional arsonist. Leaders of the Jewish Defense League held a news conference in the rubble the day after, and danced on the ashes of the files. These same people subsequently provided the authorities with the name of the arsonist. The library has since reopeed in a more secure facility. (The Jewish Defense League is by its own admission a branch of the Israeli army, founded by an American rabbi who is now a member of the Israeli knesset. What in blue blazes is the Israeli army doing conducting armed operations against American civilians on American territory?) >> They tell me that Falwell's preaching is so pro-Israel and pro-Jewish >> that he trips over himself. >Who keeps telling you these things? Do you have a tape-recording of >"The Elders of Zion" near your bed? Falwell speaks for himself. I'm sure his literature service will be glad to provide you with his views on request. I personnally subscribe to several Fundementalist publications, just to see what they have to say. Probably the most pro-Israeli group is Chick publications. As for the tape recordings, I believe the full title is "The Protocols of the Elders of Zion," (Rich Rosen should be able to correct me if I'm wrong), and no, I don't have a copy. I do have a good one on the Illuminatti, though. >> I guess maybe an even greater problem in America is not with Communism, >> not with atheists, not with the Jews, or the schools, or the politicians, >It's nice to know that the Jews are not (yet) the greatest problem in >Don Black's America. There you go again, putting words in my mouth. Did I say the Jews were a problem? >P.S. Is it only non-Christians (as Rosen pointed out) that are mortified by > this man's ravings? bill peter Why am I raving, Bill? Besides,, there are a lot of "non-Christians" in this world that have a lot worse things to say. For example ask the Lebanese. (Today's Boston "Globe" [20 March 1985] has a real eye-opener in it. The paper reports in graphic detail about the Israeli march through a Lebanese village, the house ransackings, the arrests, the bulldozed houses, etc. Is this what's in store for the US? >Well, I guess Rich was right. EVEN NON-FUNDAMENTALISTS ARE IN AGREEMENT >WITH BLACK! While Black is spouting his hatred of Jews, liberals, and >non-missionary-positioners on this net, Machionni has the visciousness >to discuss theology with this guy! And denigrating his critics!!!! >Even worse! Saying things like "Don is correct," or "I have no >qualms with Black," or "Black's point is well taken." >Oh great Ubizmo! Is this what people like Marchionni were doing while >the European Jews were being put in death camps? (Don't answer this, >I know the answer already.) What death camps?? >> From his postings I think Don is willing to work within the compromise >> of a pluralistic society. > >Stick it, Marchionni. [bill peter] I can't add any more, Bill. Somehow you say it all yourself. ******************************************************************************* >The things which happen to non-Jews in Israel is precisely why I think that >a state religion is a bad idea. The Israelis have a different problem, though, >they are at war. It is necessary to maintain your ideology if you are going >to fight an effective war. Do you think that the US is already in such a >state of war and doesn't realise it? If so, then what do you think that >subversives like me should do? [Laura Creighton] I agree about state religions, Laura. This is why our founding fathers decreed in the Costitution prohibited the recognizing of any one religion. They did acknowlege that the free exercise thereof should not be prohibited, thus recognizing the legitimacy of ALL religions. If you really are a subversive, I recommend heading for the hills with a sack of food, a good rifle, a good book, and a member of the opposite sex ( :-) ) when the Big One hits. >ps -- teh behaviour of Jews in Israel is rather different than the behaviour >of Jews in North America. Is this because the Jews in North America did not >have this opportunity? I don't think so, since the attitude of Jews who have >not chosen to return to Israel seems contrary to this. Perhaps it is simply >that power corrupts -- in that case do you *still* want a Christian State >of America? Remember it is going to be run by the sort of unenlightened >Christians that you meet all the time... Yeah, I'll still take a Christian state over a Judaic state any day of the week. A matter of personal preference, I guess. Ideally, we'd have a state governed precisely by the Constitution, as I advocate. But many people are afraid of the Constitution, since they'd have to stop being corrupt. >oops. The problems that you run into when news doesn't arrive in order... >*Now* Black's real reply gets here...after the replies to the replies. >Most of the things that you said happens in Israel don't. Non Jews can >become citizens. You can buy Bibles in the bookstores. You can talk >about Christianity all you want. It is difficult to rise in political >rank, though, unless you are Jewish, and the same bias appears to >extend to universities and other bureacracies. [Laura Creighton] Again, Laura, thanks for the sane, reasonable reply. Somebody on this net posted a reply that mentioned the Law of Return, but I must have deleted the file inadvertantly. This is the same bias that is mentioned by Jack Bernstein in his book concerning his exploits in Israel. It seems he is of one Jewish sect (or race, or whatever the proper word is), I believe the term he uses is Ashkenasic, and if my memory is correct, his wife is Sephardic (I feel uneasy quoting things without the original in front of me.) But anyway, they wouldn't even let the poor chap get decent housing. ***************************************************************************** So now let me ask another legitimate question of the net. How does the State of Israel determine who is a Jew and who is not, under the Law of Return? In Hoc signo, Don Black If you wish more "in depth" coverage of Don Black's posting(s) and/or the associated replies, see "net.religion". I hope these cross-postings are not "inappropriate" for this news-group. If they are, let me know and I'll stop sending them to this group. Have An Enjoyable Day! From The Gentle Gentile Steve Aldrich (ihnp4!ihu1n!amra) "..Then I Get On My Knees And Pray, We Don't Get Fooled Again!"