cherson@fsleng.DEC (05/23/85)
In answer to Mitchell Faust's inquiry into what the weather will be like in Israel on June 10th, here is a detailed answer: Starting at the Norhtern tip of the country, in the upper Galil, you can temperatures to reach somewhere in the mid 80's with somewhat moderate humidity. Going south towards Lake Kinneret and the Hula Valley we hit the location of (oops, sorry about that I hit my keyboard when two intruders entered my office) the highest humidity in Israel, but this should not prevent you from visiting itat all. The Lower Galil experiences higher temps then the Upper Galil and moderate humidity. The weather on the coast during the summer ranges from hot to extremely hot accompanied by moderate to high humidity. You can get a break from all this humidity by going to Jerusalem, where temps will reach through the upper 80's but it's a bit drier owing to the altitude. You noticed that I haven't mentioned anything about rain in this little meteorological travelogue, that's because you better expect to see much during your trip, it just ain't the rainy season. Back to our trip. More arid climes are experienced starting around Beer-Sheva. The temps should reach a high in the low 90's at midday in that area. Further south along the Arava into Eilat, it's pure desert, The high temp is usually around 40o C (100o F), very low humidity. But the view along the Edom mountains across in Jordan during the evening makes up for the heat, besides you can hang out at the beach or take a nap in the afternoon. Well how is that, Mitchell? Of course this all comes from experience as you cansee. Hope you have a good trip and try to see beyond what a tourist sees in Israel if you what I mean. Nesiyah Tovah (Bon Voyage) David Cherson