[net.religion.jewish] Comments on the newsgroup

gth@erc3ba.UUCP (A.Y.Feldblum) (08/06/85)

Just a few comments concerning the content of this newsgroup. First, it
is totally meaningless to try to 'force' anyone not to post things that
are inappropriate. That has been discussed at length in several
different newsgroups, and is part of the nature of non-moderated
newsgroups. There is only one 'valid' measure of what 'should' be
discussed in a newsgroup, and that is defined by the response of the net
readers to whatever it is. Basically, if it doesn't belong there it gets
ignored and disappears unless someone likes reading what he writes. If
someone consistantly breaks the conventions of net etiquette, people get
to recognize him/her and n-key over their postings.
	In relation to net.religion.general, it is my opinion that it is
broad enough to support ongoing discussions on issues of religion,
jewish culture, Torah and Halacha, and more at the same time. I surely
do not believe that the orthodox part of n.r.j make up a majority of the
readers, and I know from email messages during the postings of the Dvar
Torah each week that there were non-religious Jews who read and
appreciated it. 
	By being n.r.jewish, I think that one can take for granted that
the people reading the posting know something about Judaism, or are
interested in it. Thus, you don't have to explain what the Torah is
every time you want to refer to it. However, you cannot expect it to be
an accepted fact that your readers believe it to be of divine origin.
Discussions as to the validity of any particular formalism of Judaism
is, I believe, a valid topic for this group (but maybe not very
informative). Discussions as to the validity of religion in general
belongs in net.religion, in my opinion. Seeing such a posting, one has
the options of not replying to it, or replying with the follow-up line
set to the appropriate group. 
	I'm looking forward to more postings on subjects, rather than
telling one individual to 'bug off'. I may disagree strongly with what
Rich has to say, and I do think some of it may belong more on
net.religion than n.r.j. At the same time, his opinions are
probably closer to those of the majority of Jews in America, who are
totally unaffiliated with any form of organized Jewish religion, than my
own orthodox views (I think about 2-3% of Jews are orthodox - anyone out
there have any numbers?). Let's try and keep flames in net.flame (the
great bit bucket) and personal attacks out.

Avi Feldblum
AT&T Tech. - ERC
uucp: {allegra, ihnp4}!pruxa!ayf     or