minow@decvax.UUCP (Martin Minow) (02/06/84)
The following appeared in Sunday's Boston Globe Magazine: "Letters posted by villagers in Kintbury, Berks, failed to reach their destinations because a family of snails living in the mail box ate them. 'They were gobbling the letters as fast as people posted them,' a Post Office spokesman said. -- The Daily Telegraph (London)" Reported without comment by Martin Minow decvax!minow
fish@ihu1g.UUCP (Bob Fishell) (02/09/84)
>"Letters posted by villagers in Kintbury, Berks, failed to reach their >destinations because a family of snails living in the mail box ate them. >'They were gobbling the letters as fast as people posted them,' a >Post Office spokesman said. > -- The Daily Telegraph (London)" .....I thought the little buggers were supposed to *deliver* them..... -- Bob Fishell ihnp4!ihu1g!fish