ccrdave@ucdavis.UUCP (Lord Kahless) (09/09/85)
1) I was discussing with one of the Hillel board members what sort of standards we should attempt for behavior within our house. We both felt that we should not be in favor of any gross violations of Torah law. (Keep the kitchen Kosher, no idol worship in the living room, that sort of stuff.) Where we didn't agree was on the subject of keeping the law of the land. In specific, he wants to get involved a girl who he knows smokes pot. Knowing that I am the stick in the mud, he told me to not panic if this girl goes in the back yard and tokes, not even to ask her not to imbibe upon the premisis. What would you say about the whole issue of A) The morality of recreational drugs a) from the point of view of kashrut b) the point of view of the family and family values. B) The whole idea of obeying the law of the land, given the current political situation in America today. 2) We still don't have a typewriter at our Hillel. We don't have the money to get a typewriter, and have been unable to scrounge a typewriter or computer or even enough money to keep the place running. Regarding fund raising, A) What is the net's responsibility to provide for their fellow Jews in need, namely the impovrished U.C. Davis Hillel. A typewriter would be very nice, a small computer would be better. B) do any of you out there have any advice for fund raising? We have tried hard, and have often lost money on our fund raisers.