[net.religion.jewish] Husbands in Birthing Rooms

dsc@mtgzz.UUCP (d.s.chechik) (10/30/85)

Another source on the question of husbands in labor
rooms can be found in Igros Moshe, Yora Deya 2, T'shuva 75.
(Rsponsa of Rabbi M. Feinstein).

He writes (i translate exactly, my comments in parentheses,
words i have not tranlated in ALL CAPS)
"As to whether the husband can be there (in the labor room)
to supervise that everything is done correctly and to support
and strengthen her heart.  If there is a need, i see no
prohibition, and even without a need, i see no prohibition.
However, it is forbidden for him to look at the actual delivery
of the child because it is forbidden for him to look at her
covered places when she is a NEEDA and (to look at) that place,
it is forbidden even in her TAHARA (non needa state).
Only that if he is carefull not to look, there is no prohibition.
And via a mirror, it is also forbidden for the husband to look."
(end quote)

Before my daughter's birth i asked many people about their
delivery room experiences.
I found that people who had attended "frum" lamaz classes
(classes where only permitted activities were taught)
were well prepared for the experience and, although it wasn't
easy to keep all the halachos, since they were psychologically
prepared and never learned to lend support to their wives in
a way forbidden during delivery, had a relatively easy time
keeping the halachos.
However, thoses who attended regular lamaz classes learned and
practiced things in a way that they could not use during
delivery.  At least one person i spoke to admitted that under
the pressure of the delivery room, he did violate Hilchos Needa.

It seems that if someone is carefull, there is no prohibition
against being in the delivery room.  But, because people interested
in keeping to halacha have had problems in labor rooms, our
leaders have said it is better not to put one's self in a
trying situation.