[net.religion.jewish] Weekly D'var Torah - Toldos

dsc@mtgzz.UUCP (d.s.chechik) (11/13/85)

		       DVAR Torah - Parashas Toldos

       Our Parasha contains the story of the birth of Yaackov Avinu
       and his brother Eysav.  The torah says that the children
       fought within her.  The medrash brought down by Rashi says
       that when she passed the door of a beis medrash, Yaackov
       wanted to go out and when she passed the door of idol
       worshipers, Aisav tried to leave.  Rivkah then says "Im
       kayn, lama ze anochi.  Vataylech lidrosh es Hashem, Vayan
       hashem vayomar shnei goyim bevitneich ushnei goyim mimayayim
       yiporaidu", (literally, "if so, what am i.  And she went to
       'lidrosh' G-d and he answered "Two nations are in your bosom
       and two nations from you bosom shall depart") Rashi takes
       this to mean that she went to the Yeshiva of Shem and Ever
       to ask them what was going on inside her.  And she  received
       the answer to her questions.

       There are several questions that can be asked on this story.
       Why did Rivka have to go ask Shem what was happening within
       her?  Was not she, in her own right, a Neviya (prophetess)?
       What does "LEDROSH es Hashem" mean?  (The work LEDROSH can
       mean to claim, to ask, to demand, to investigate, to
       require, to request, to enquire, to lecture, to preach, to
       explain, to expound, to interpret, to discourse, or to
       consult.  Should it not say "LISHOL" (to ask)?  Finally, G-d
       answers Rivka himself, he does not relay the message through
       Shem?  Why is Rivka Imaynu suddenly a neviya?

       The Grah explains most of these questions, "all derech remez"
       (they are hinted at in the torah but not stated explicitly)
       The talmud tells that Shimon Ha'amusi interpreted all the
       occurrences of the word "es" in the torah.  Generally, "es"
       is a "ribbuy", i.e., it comes to generalize on something.
       He stopped at "Es Hashem Elokecha Tira", (You are to Fear
       G-d), Since ES must come to include something other than the
       specified subject, he reasoned that this "ES" must come to
       include some other deity.  Clearly a contradiction to one of
       the basic tenets of Judaism.  Rabbi Akiva explained that
       this ES comes to include Talmidei Chachamim.

       Similarly, Rivkah had a serious problem, she was getting
       mixed signals.  She knew she was sterile and had only
       conceived through prayer.  Yet the child within her was
       moving both toward our religion and others.  And so she said
       "im kayn, lama ze anochi", which can be translated as "What
       is this Anochi" where anochi is the first of the Ten
       Commandments, which is that there is one G-d.  Clearly, I
       (Rivka) have physical evidence that there must be more than
       one deity.  However, despite her moral quandary, Vateylech
       lidrosh ES HASHEM.  She went to the yeshiva of Shem and
       Ayver to explain that the verse ES  HASHEM Elokecha Tira,
       did not imply two deities.  And so, having passed a great
       test in believing the truth despite seemingly physical
       concrete evidence, she is rewarded by Nevuah, which is why
       she was answered directly by G-d.  Who said, do not even
       think that there are two deities or that one child is
       leaning in two directions.  There are TWO children within
       you, one will be a tzaddik, the other a rasha.

Shabbus Shalom

				Dovid Chechik
				AT&T Information Systems Labs
				Middletown, NJ

am@vilya.UUCP (MALEK) (11/14/85)

I must apologize for misquoting a pasuk in my dvar torah. 
"devarim  she-bichsav ee ata rashai le-omram be-al pe"; I'll use a chumash
next time.
> 		       DVAR Torah - Parashas Toldos
>Corrected psukim :
>        "...Im kayn, lama ze anochi, vataylech lidrosh es Ad*n*. Vayomer
>        Ad*n* la shnei goyim bevitneich ushnei le-umim mimayayich yiporaidu.."
> Shabbus Shalom
> 				Dovid Chechik
> 				mtgzc!dsc
