uucp@ucbvax.UUCP (05/30/84)
From: decvax!mcvax!ariadne!dt (Dionysis Tsichritzis) Since I'm here talking always in greek allow me to divert in English. I'm following the discussion about prog. languages with interest. I don't think people are wide apart and they discuss minor differences in dogma.What is interesting is that so many Greeks exist who profess to be involved with computers. The language issue served us well to get acquainted. Allow me to present you some other issues. Q.What positions exist in Greece? A.Every University is actively seeking people in every level. Choose your spot.All pay same salaries(very low).The timeframe to get a position is long (1-2 years).The students are smart but misdirected. Industry is mainly small co's or representatives doing jojobs competing with the midnight programmers moonlighting from stable jobs. You don't want to be a civil servant because you will not survive the boredom. ANYBODY CAN GET A JOB IN GREECE PROVIDED HE/SHE DECLARES TO KNOW SOMETHING ABOUT COMPUTERS. Q.What will be a good position? A.A good position means SECURITY INCOME INTERESTING WORK There is no such position in Greece. YOU HAVE TO TAKE A COMBINATION OF JOBS For instance in Crete we are establishing the following: Professor at the University for security Research at the Institute for interesting work Contract research for income Flexibility for more income(free license for the greedy) IF YOU HAVE OTHER COMBINATIONS LET PEOPLE KNOW Q.How much money I need to live here? A.To live comfortably you need more than 100.000 Dr NET per month. Add 20.000 for each kid. You can live frugally with 50.000 NET. Below that you start to hurt. If you want to live as you do now ,go to your stereo put some Theodoraki and stay where you are. Q.Why then anybody would want to come back? A.1)A sense of masochism. 2)A sense of missionary work 3)The best things in Greece are free Some of the worst cost a lot of money. Q.What about the Army? A.There is no algorithm to escape the army. However,there many approaches to minimize the damage. 1)Wait and hope (you may wait forever) 2)Go and try to transfer near your position 3)Push for your own settlement as a brilliant scientist 4)Persuade the government that some people should be better utilized.(That's what I'm trying). Q.What about colleaques in Greece? A.Most of them will be friendly.However ,when they realize that you are better, watch out for your ass.People will try to hurt you for no apparent reason except that they feel inferior.If you start fighting you may lose your self-respect. If not,you may feel bitter.Best try to avoid competitive situations. Q.When is the right time to come? A.There is a window of opportunity in the next 1-3 years as the pressure for Computer Science heats a peak. There is a vacuum which will be filled. If the wrong people get sucked in they will make sure that nobody good will ever survive their system. Q.Is it worth to try? A.Depends on what you want in your life.Depends on what you call being happy. Depends on what you call success. Q.What would you do? A.I don't know,because I still don't know what makes me happy. Dionysis Tsichritzis CRETE