das@ecsvax.UUCP (05/29/84)
Refs: druxm.857, druky.680, genrad.4016, sdcsla.561, sri-arpa.1177 A good explanation of the save/replace problem is given in the last reference, unfortunately not in a .cbm newsgroup. I've been bitten by the bug too, and my experience is consistent with the next-to-last reference. I can recommend a good product that provides one solution: Disk Support, a $15 program from J & H Computers, formerly H & H Enterprises. You can find their ads in COMPUTE! and/or Gazette, I think under the old name. It provides simple disk commands for all the things you might want to do with a disk, and hides itself wherever you want to put it in memory. The commands are mostly two keystrokes, the first of which is ". Thus "C is catalog (without disturbing program), "S is save, etc. Save/replace is "S@, and this initiates the sequence: delete old file, save new file, verify new file. To paraphrase an obnoxious ad, it takes a little longer, but it's worth it! I heard somewhere, a year or more ago, that developers of software all new about the 1541 bug early on and wrote their disk utilities around it. I have since heard that that is not true with WordPro 3+, on which I have become very dependent, and with which I frequently save/replace. Anybody know if I am courting disaster with my text files? Anybody know which important programs do or don't delete files before saving under the same name? Or better yet, a way to test whether your favorite program does or doesn't? David A. Smith Department of Mathematics Duke University Durham, NC 27706 (919) 684-2321 {decvax,akgua}!mcnc!ecsvax!das