[micro.cpm] C64 CP/M questions

alford@ecsvax.UUCP (07/21/84)


Has anyone seen or heard of a program for C64 CP/M that will
UPload files using the XMODEM protocol?  I have a copy of the
public domain version that DOWNloads files, but for many uses,
such as sending a file home to edit and transferring it back
to print, this isn't quite adequate.

Another question--has anyone modified their BIOS to add
terminal emulation features (cursor positioning, insert/delete
line, highlight, etc)?  I've been slowly working on this, but
would be perfectly happy to use someone else's version if there
is one.  Thanks for any help.

Ross Alford
  ...{decvax, akgua, ihnp4}!mcnc!ecsvax!alford