[net.veg] Restaurants

keithl@vice.UUCP (Keith Lofstrom) (01/06/84)

How about vegetarian restaurants?  
  I'm not talking about the quiche and salad places, or the counters at the
health food stores, but places that serve sit-down vegetarian dinners among
their selections.  There are restaurant guides, but they are often incorrect
and out of date.
   Let's get together a list!

I'll start out with a few:

key:  0-9 food quality
      V - pure veggie
      N - "natural" food, restaurant serves meat dishes too.
      R - regular restaurant with a vegetarian menu.
      $ cheap (0-$6), $$ moderate ($6-$15), $$$ expensive ($15-)

*Portland, OR
Food Goddess                   SW Morrison & 13th     5 V $
Old Wives Tales                E. Burnside & 13th     6 N $$
Zorba the Buddha (Rajneesh)    SW Park and Salmon     4 V $$
La Casa De Rios (Mex)          SE Hawthorne & 35th    5 R $

*Eugene, OR
Mother's Home Fried Truck Stop  (west of Univ of Or)  5 N $

*San Francisco, CA 
Green's                        Fort Mason             9 V $$
Dipti Nivas                    Church & Market        6 V $

Arnold's Turtle                Village                6 N $$
Brownies                       N. of Union Square     6 V $$
Ultimate Lotus (Cantonese)     Midtown East           7 R $$
Ratner's (Dairy)               Delancy St.            6 ? $
+ about 40 others whose names I forget...

*Everywhere (chains)
The Good Earth                 Portland, Minneapolis, San Francisco,
                               San Jose, Boulder, Tucson,...?
                                                      5 N $$

Golden Temple (Krishnas)       San Francisco,                         3 V $

Of course, no one should use a list like this without checking the 
phone book, and calling first.
Additions? Subtractions? Corrections?
Keith Lofstrom
uucp:	{ucbvax,decvax,chico,pur-ee,cbosg,ihnss}!teklabs!vice!keithl
CSnet:	keithl@tek