[net.misc] Ev vs Creat where do we draw the line

tmh@ihldt.UUCP (Tom Harris) (02/21/84)

I am an Evolutionist and I have no problem with Compact
Intervention as a valid scientific theory, provided that there is
a direct genetic link between the previous species and the new
species.  Although I personally don't believe that CIs ever
happened.  Note: that a compact intervention theory as such also
could be the work of advanced and not supreme beings.  I also
would consider such a supposition as Evolution not Creation. 
Since we have no documented evidence of a speciation, it is a
point I would not have any problem existing with (but it is an
Evolutionary Mechanism (even if the Evolution is controlled by
some X being), not a creationist one).  If, however, what the CI
theorists are proposing is a Intervention causing a creation of a
new life form with no connection to an old one then I would have
problems (although I would be willing to conceed the first
instance of life).  In all the arguments I have read on the matter
there seems to be a skirting of the above point.  This point is
what strikes me as the main difference between Evolution and
Creationism.  If someone needs to believe some being did step in
and cause an creature to Evolve, there is no evidence to the
contrary, and they are willing to conceed the same coutesy to my
theory as I do their's, then I would have no problems in
scientific discouse with that person.  To people who wish to argue
that small gaps in the fossil record of 10,000-100,000 years or so are
conclusive proof against evolution, well kiss off because 10,000
years is a blink of an eye in an evolutionary sense.  Also, in the
field of human evolution we have transitional fossil forms.  Homo erectus
is a transitional form between Homo habilis and Homo sapiens, Homo
habilis is transitional etc..  The problem with seeing things any
other way is you quickly run into a Xeno's proof situation (i.e.
the classic paradox of Achilles and the tortise).  Since the
fossil record is a series of snapshots (limited at any place by
time and coincidence) it is unlikely you will ever hit anything
but evolutionary plateus of any one species.
    Also I seem to have missed the Palauxy River article can
someone send me a copy?

					Hi Ho,
					Tom Harris