[net.misc] Conversation

flinn@seismo.UUCP (E. A. Flinn) (02/22/84)

"Most people have a furious itch to talk about themselves and are
restrained only by the disinclination of others to listen.  Reserve is
an artificial quality that is developed in most of us as the result of
innumerable rebuffs."
					-- W. S. Maugham.

Has anyone noticed that the network news is really an entirely new way
of conversing with people?  It differs from ordinary conversation in at
least three ways.  First, you are talking to many hundreds of people at
once, an opportunity few of us have in real life.  Second, nobody
interrupts you before you finish saying your piece, which has
unfortunately become rare in face-to-face conversation.  Third, you can
talk about yourself and your opinions as much as you like, with a
pretty fair likelihood that at least a few people are going to listen
to what you say.

The bane of network conversation, though, is that most people don't
reflect much before flinging their pieces to the winds.  This is
probably due to general carelessness, but also because the people
you're talking to aren't *really* there, looking at you.  The
occasional flame doesn't provide the kind of feedback you get when
you're in the same room with other people.