[net.veg] Diabetic Recipe Book Needed

mgh@mtuni.UUCP (Marcus Hand) (01/03/86)

A couple of months back my girlfriend was diagnosed as suffering
from diabetes:  an affliction particularly contrary to her tastes.
Anyway, she seems to have coped with the changes in life style
(which haven't proven as dramatic as many expected) and life goes on
much the same (but with more care).

Anyway, the purpose of this posting is to solicit recommendations
and information about cook-books containing recipes for people
with diabetes.   This usually involves substitution of table sugar
(sucrose) and glucose with fruit sugar (fructose) or with eg Nutrasweet
(aspartame) and saccharin.  The ultra-refined sugar which is used in
"sugar"-free icecream (whose name escapes me) is not suitable because
it is metabolized in the same way as regular table sugar.

Please send me any suggestions and recommendations via e-mail and I
will summarize to the net if I find anything out.


		Marcus Hand	<action central>!mtuni!mgh
			Marcus Hand	(mtuni!mgh)