[net.veg] hydrogenation

fortmiller@cdr.DEC (Joan Fortmiller) (02/24/86)

I have been studying into the subject
of dietary fats, and have read in two
documents some rather alarming info.
on the hydrogenation process used on
most (and possibly all?) oils and
margarines on the market today.

Briefly, the process of hydrogenation
is said to change the chemical 
structure of the oil or margarine
into one that is dangerous to eat.
The articles proceeded to cite
laboratory experiments of feeding
the stuff to animals, and the
resulting disease it caused because
of the change from normal oils
to hydrogenated ones.

Does anyone know of more data on
this subject, or of a way to get
something non-hydrogenated to use
as margarines and oils?

Joan Fortmiller