[net.veg] veg Chinese restaurant

kumar@hpcea.HP (Arvind Kumar) (03/14/86)

> Can anyone recommend to me a Chinese restaurant in the Bay Area with 
> good vegetarian entrees?

If you are in the city, try 10,000 Buddhas Chinese Vegetarian
Restaurant.  Run by Chinese Buddhists.  Mainly a lunch place, but is a
good place to go to in the evenings, since it is in the heart of the
theater district (next to Alcazar Theater on Geary).  Great food.

ddyment@water.UUCP (Doug Dyment) (03/20/86)

I think there is no competition for the best Chinese veggie restaurant in San
Francisco -- it is the "Lotus Garden" at 532 Grant Avenue (heart of Chinatown).
They're closed on Mondays as I recall.  They have a larger menu than most
Chinese restaurants I have visited, and it's ALL veggie!  They make much
creative use of gluten in such things as (mock) Pineapple Chicken Balls, which
might offend those of George Bernard Shaw's persuasion ("I don't eat corpses,
and I don't eat pretend corpses either!"), but there is plenty for all tastes.