[net.misc] Dinosaurs & Extinction

cdanderson@watarts.UUCP (03/01/84)

         In reading the NYT of Sun., Feb. 26'th (p. 18 E), I was amused to read 
the following.
        In 1981 there were so many competing explanations as to why the 
dinosaurs became extinct that Peter R. Voght of the Naval Research Lab
and John C. Holden, a geologist and early proponent of continental drift, 
decided to take a poll. Turning to the 11,000 members of the American 
Geophysical Union and members of Dr. Holden's irreverent International 
Stop Continental Drift Society, they proferred 25 theories for the deaths.
       Besides the usual (climate warming/cooling, stellar explosion, volcanic
activity, disease, etc.) #24 was, get this, that "Noah built more than one ark.
The ark carrying the dinosaurs, etc., sank." I love it!! |-))))

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                     If it's in the newspaper, it must be true |-)
                            Cameron Anderson