tynor@uiucuxc.UUCP (03/04/84)
#N:uiucuxc:3900054:000:4077 uiucuxc!tynor Mar 3 11:32:00 1984 In Miller's latest submission, he makes the ridiculous claim that evolution is not falsifiable but that creationism is. He basically fails to support this and claim and here we will attempt to show that in fact the reverse of his argument is true. First, a few points about Miller's favorite topic, the Paluxy tracks. In our recent personal encounter, Ray showed us pictures of these tracks. The footprint he showed us was very large, he said about the length of a pushbroom head (about 18 inches long!). We have not seen this point raised on the net. How would Mr. Miller account for their extreme size? If there truly were such giants in the past, where are their skeletal remains? Another problem for creationists with the Paluxy tracks is how they fit into the rest of their "model", specifically the catastrophic flood. John D. Morris, in a pamphlet published by the ICR, admits that this is a problem: "The main problem of geologic origin for biblical catastrophists stems from the fact that underlying the Paluxy River basin is nearly eighty-five hundred feet of sedimentary rock. According to the catastrophic model, this must all have been laid down by the flood of Noah's day. The problem is how could man and dinosaurs witness such massive deposition at the beginning stages of the flood and survive long enough to leave their prints so high in the geologic column?" Getting back to our stated purpose, Creationism is *not* falsifiable. Mr. Miller seems to think that simply because his particular view (or model) of creation is falsifiable, that the entire creation concept is falsifiable. This is clearly not the case. The creation model demands a supernatural creator who operates (or operated) outside of the naturalistic universe. Therefore it could create in any manner imaginable. The "scientific creationist" can always rely on the escapist phrase: "Well, that's the way the creator created it..." In order to disprove creation, one must disprove god. Philosophers have struggled with this question for centuries. If there is anything that philosophy has shown, it is that the existence or non-existance of god cannot be proven. Before we discuss why we believe that evolution *is* falsifiable, we would like to discuss the importance of falsifiabilty to the scientific method. Phillip Kitcher, in his book 'Abusing Science', maintains that no scientific theory is falsifiable, and that this is not and important test of science. We agree only to the extent that science attempts to fit all data into the current paradigm (see Thomas Kuhn). However, as the amount of seemingly contradictory data increases, scientists begin to doubt the current paradigm and begin to search for alternatives. When an elegant and more encompassing theory is found the old theory can be considered falsified. For example, Relativity can be thought to have falsified Newtonian Mechanics. Conceivably, evidence might be found that would seriously contradict evolutionary theory (ie. reliable fossil evidence grossly out of order or evidence that there is insufficient time for evolution to occur (in other words, many of the standard creationist arguments)). However, at this time, evolution is well supported and not in a scientific crisis. To be sure, the exact mechanism of evolution is hotly debated, but there is no accepted evidence contradictory to the basic concept of evolution. Creationists would argue that their evidence has been unfairly ignored by the scientific community. We maintain that if their arguments have any merit, they will be accepted by scientists even if this necessitates the search for a new paradigm. In the excedingly remote possibility that this happens, scientists will not be forced to accept creationism. Other far simpler paradigms are available, eg. panspermia. See "Re: Creationism and Occam's Razor." Steve Tynor Ray Mooney ihnp4!uiucdcs!uiucuxc!tynor ihnp4!uiucdcs!uicsl!rmooney University of Illinois Champaign-Urbana