[net.misc] Revenge bites minced chuck meat

decot@cwruecmp.UUCP (Dave Decot) (02/27/84)

	Night of the Wingtip Slavs

	'Twas dusking and the burly Slavs
	Fired up their bloated gloves
	Sweeping sweaty zum gurgly West
	Drinking ChungKing from Tupperware

	And cheering came the bluefish girls
	Darkly burning eager huts
	Hurling creekward their tender quadriceps
	Near was the pounce of salesmen, surely

	Yet emmigrants left keinen trace
	Unsalted records of their toil
	But still remained those many Smurfs
	Slavs and girls in holy brineful exodus

	Nearly they passed, but obsessed saw not
	Exercised their muscled feet
	Guardgates leapt and then increased
	Closer, fast now, Kinney-Wien!

    [-*^+'====> admiral moonpaste !! <====`+^*-]

	    lewis carroll is dead, n e way.

decot@cwruecmp.UUCP (Dave Decot) (03/05/84)

bippity boppity, y'ol mama

	Night of the Wingtip Slavs

	'Twas dusking and the burly Slavs
	Fired up their bloated gloves
	Swirling angled zum gurgly West
	Drinking ChungKing from Tupperware

	And cheering came the bluefish girls
	Darkly burning eager huts
	Hurling creekward their tender quadriceps
	Near was the pounce of salesmen, surely

	Yet emmigrants left keinen trace
	Unsalted records of their toil
	Though still remained the smuggled Smurfs
	Slavs and girls in bounding briny exodus

	Nearly they passed, but obsessed saw not
	Exercised their muscled feet
	Guardgates leapt and then increased
	Closer, fast now, Kinney-Wien!

Respectfully submitted, ]-admiral moonpaste-[
Lewis Carroll is dead but decvax!cwruecmp!decot ain't him