[net.consumers] Lawnboy lawnmower ... are HOT starts a problem?

homer@zaphod.UUCP (Homer Robson) (04/11/85)

	I am considering purchase of a new mower, possibly a Lawnboy
	rear bagger (deluxe model).

	In the research I did, there seemed to be a bit of a question 
	about the ability of the Lawnboy engine to start after it had
	been running, shut off, and then restarted with the engine hot.
	( as in when removing the grass catcher, etc.)

	Is the engine hard to start when hot?

	Any other info on this type of mower or any other would be 
	greatly appreciated.

	Homer Robson, Develcon Electronics
	Saskatoon, Sask., Can.

essachs@ihuxl.UUCP (Ed Sachs) (04/12/85)

> 	In the research I did, there seemed to be a bit of a question 
> 	about the ability of the Lawnboy engine to start after it had
> 	been running, shut off, and then restarted with the engine hot.
> 	( as in when removing the grass catcher, etc.)
> 	Is the engine hard to start when hot?

I've had a lawn boy for 7 years and never had any problems restarting
it when it is hot.
				Ed Sachs
				AT&T Bell Laboratories
				Naperville, IL

tracy@hcradm.UUCP (Tracy Tims) (04/14/85)

I spent a large part of my lawn cutting career using my daddy's Lawnboys
(an old one, bought used, and a spanking new green one.)  The things started.
Always.  And ran.  Always.  (How I used to wish the damn things would break
down every Saturday morning.)  I never had any problem hot starting.

Most of the professional lawn care places and municipal grounds maintainence
departments around here use them.

                              Tracy Tims    ihnp4!utzoo!hcr!hcrvx1!tracy
   Human Computing Resources Corporation         utcsri!hcr!hcrvx1!tracy
 Toronto, Ontario, Canada.  416 922-1937          dciem!hcr!hcrvx1!tracy