[net.misc] Evidence for creationism?

flinn@seismo.UUCP (E. A. Flinn) (03/26/84)

Ray Miller says:

  >> I could go on, but suffice it to say that evolution is like a used
  >> car.  It may look great to a lot of people, but if you look at it
  >> too closely you'll find out that it's falling apart.  "Where's the
  >> beef?" seems most appropriate.

Whistling in the dark, Ray.  Creationists may be able to fool hillbilly
state legislators (some of the time) with the arm-waving irrelevancies
in your last article, but who do you think you're fooling on this net?
It's clear to everyone that you people have decided a priori that
evolution must be fundamentally wrong because it conflicts with a set
of beliefs that you want to maintain, and you're desperate to find
logic or data that will provide you a rationale for this decision.

I pointed out before what it would take to convince objective people
to take creationism seriously - several occurrences of fossils
seriously out of place.  The references you supplied don't hack it -
one Scientific American article and two creationist publications.

What makes creationism ludicrous is that evolution is at least as well
established by observation as the theory that the earth orbits the
sun.  There are literally many thousands of observed facts that are
consistent with the general outline of evolutionary theory, and if what
you had in your last article was the best you can come up with to try
to shoot down evolution, then you've simply exposed how weak and
flimsy your position is.

Ray: You've pretty well worked over the footprint business.  To provide
network readers with fresh material for amusement, why not present the
creationist position on how all the fossils were laid down in the Great
Flood (small spherical animals settling down more rapidly that big
hairy complicated ones), why thrust faults don't exist, how the second
law of thermodynamics precludes evolution, the 'mystery' of the
plutonium haloes, and how radioactive dating is wrong?