[net.consumers] sears credit

ugthomas@sunybcs.UUCP (Timothy Thomas) (03/09/86)

I cant understand why sears seems so weird when it comes to giving
credit.  Many of the postings say they had no credit and got a sears,
while others have tons of credit and can not get a card.
I find it hard to believe that those people who got refused cards
did not have a bad credit record.   Sears was my first card, which
I got as a junior in high school, working part time making about
$50/week.  I had no other credit (and no $$ in the bank to speak of).
Was my credit approval a fluke?   (both my parents had sears cards at
the time, so that may have something to do with it).


____________   ____/--\____ 
\______  ___) (   _    ____)     "Damn it Jim!,
     __| |____/  / `--'            I'm a programmer not a Doctor!"   
     )           `|=(-
   Timothy D. Thomas                 SUNY/Buffalo Computer Science
   UUCP:  [decvax,dual,rocksanne,watmath,rocksvax]!sunybcs!ugthomas
   CSnet: ugthomas@buffalo,   ARPAnet: ugthomas%buffalo@CSNET-RELAY  

stu16@whuxl.UUCP (Pippin) (03/11/86)

> I cant understand why sears seems so weird when it comes to giving
> credit.  Many of the postings say they had no credit and got a sears,
> while others have tons of credit and can not get a card.

    When we asked for duplicate cards for our kids to use
while away at college, Sears' answer was that it was better
for each of the 4 kids to have one each - in his and her
names. The cards were issued immediately. No hassle. No
worry about being billed giant amounts. Each card with a
separate acct number. Fortunately, each kid is a rather
responsible individual, and only bought when necessary.
Later when they married, and needed credit ratings, there
they were!     Actually, the same thing happened with gas
credit cards. Maybe it depends on the geographical area
or the people we dealt with. (It couldn't possibly have been
because WE are such upstanding citizens):-) - How could it
be? We both work for AT&T Bell Labs!
                      Pippin Stuart