[net.misc] Bleeding-Heart Won-Ton lovers

moriarty@uw-june (Jeff Meyer) (04/18/84)

All right, I've had it with these goody-goody food environmentalists who
seem to be so prevalent on the net.  First I wasn't supposed to eat Hung-Pau
beef because the Hung-Paus had a bad breeding season.   Then in was a limit
on the number of Pregos one could eat, due to heavy Prego molesting by
wildibeasts.  And now Won-tons.
Well, Mr. I'm-so-afraid-all-the-Won-Tons-will-be-inconvenienced-hsc@lanl-a,
you can take your bloody cause and !!!!!!FLAME-ON %&$#"%%$#!!!!! FLAME-OFF!!
I'm going to eat Won-ton's whenever I filthy well want to, and I feel like
two (no, maybe three) every day of this WEEK!! So all you smug,
self-satisfied liberal SCUM can just weep about your vanishing breed.  It's
time we had GOURMET LIBERATION in this country!!!
SO, anyone want to argue with me about how cute these little wombats (oops,
err, Won-tons) are?  Your Mutha!
			Have a nice day,