[net.micro.trs-80] Model 200 !

esfraga@watmath.UUCP (Eric S Fraga) (01/21/85)

A couple of days ago I saw a copy of
the specifications for the new Model
200 portable computer from Tandy.  Here
are some of the details:

	16 x 40 pop-up LCD display
	80c85 cpu
	72k ROM - includes same software as
		Model 100 plus Multiplan (tm).
	up to 72k RAM

Seems that it uses bank-switching to
accomodate the possible 144k of memory.
I was surprised to see a screen width
of only 40 characters instead of 80 --
it's not much of an improvement over
the Model 100 (like the one I am using
right now...:-).

Prices, at least in Canada, seemed
comparable to those for the Model 100
when it first came out: ~CDN$799 for
the base machine (with 8k RAM?).


Toto of Oz   (woof-woof :-)