[net.micro.trs-80] Another specific request

gts@wjh12.UUCP (G. T. Samson) (09/17/85)

Specific request; will anyone out there sell me a double-density adapter
board for my Mod I?  Any one will do, whether it's Percom, LNW, or Radio

And if no one can sell me one, can anyone point me to where I might buy


Name:		G. T. Samson
Title:		The Evil MicroWizard
Quote:		"No matter where you go...there you are." -- B. Banzai
Other_Quote:	"You speak treason!" "Fluently!" 	  -- The Doctor
ARPA:		gts@wjh12 [preferred] OR samson%h-sc4@harvard
USMail:		Lowell N-43, Harvard U., Cambridge, MA 02138

mjg@ecsvax.UUCP (Michael Gingell) (09/20/85)

> Specific request; will anyone out there sell me a double-density adapter
> board for my Mod I?  Any one will do, whether it's Percom, LNW, or Radio
> Shack.
> And if no one can sell me one, can anyone point me to where I might buy
> one?
> Thanks.
> -- 
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Name:		G. T. Samson
> Title:		The Evil MicroWizard
> Quote:		"No matter where you go...there you are." -- B. Banzai
> Other_Quote:	"You speak treason!" "Fluently!" 	  -- The Doctor
> ARPA:		gts@wjh12 [preferred] OR samson%h-sc4@harvard
> USMail:		Lowell N-43, Harvard U., Cambridge, MA 02138

You can still buy doublers from Aerocomp. Price is $99 I think.
See the pages of 80 Micro for more information.

Mike Gingell,    ....decvax!mcnc!ecsvax!mjg